The 6 simple ways to combat nightmare tummy troubles on holiday, according to a gut doctor

FROM indigestion to bloating, long-haul travel can wreak havoc on our gut health and really take the fun out of summer holidays.

The good news is, with a bit of careful planning and expert know-how, there are some things you can do to help.

Long-haul travel can wreak havoc on our gut healthGetty

To manage your symptoms effectively, James Kinross, a consultant colorectal surgeon at King Edward VII’s Hospital in London, has shared his simple strategies on how to beat the bloat.

While not everyone will be affected by tummy troubles when heading to sunnier climes, factors like a change in routine, dietary variations and stress can trigger irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Mr Kinross said: “Beating IBS issues while travelling requires a combination of conscious dietary choices, staying hydrated, engaging in light physical activity and managing stress effectively.

“By following these tips you can ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable vacation without compromising your digestive health.”

1. Stay hydrated

While travelling, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water.

But staying hydrated is essential for preventing constipation and ensuring you have regular bowel movements, Mr Kinross said.

“Carry a reusable water bottle with you at all times and make a habit of sipping water frequently, especially in hot climates or during long flights,” he added.

The same goes for when you’re taking advantage of the all-inclusive cocktails.

Drinking water in between alcoholic drinks will keep your digestive system happy and reduce the severity of a hangover, Mr Kinross said.

2. Eat mindfully

Trying the local cuisine is an exciting part of any holiday, and eating out is a great way to explore what’s on offer.

However, it’s important to note that some ingredients can make your IBS symptoms worse, such as high-fat, greasy and spicy foods, Mr Kinross said.

He recommends sticking to familiar items that you know will be gentle on your stomach.

The surgeon also advised choosing well-cooked, easily digestible meals with lean proteins, vegetables and whole grains where you can.

3. Go for a slow walk

It can be tempting to crash out on your bed after making the most of the hotel buffet.

However, going for a short, gentle stroll can do so much for your body, including preventing bloating and aiding digestion, according to Mr Kinross.

It doesn’t have to be a long walk either.

Research shows that just 10 minutes of wandering after meals is enough to help with digestion.

“Whether you’re exploring a new city or relaxing at a beach destination, try to incorporate gentle walks into your daily routine,” Mr Kinross said.

4. Snack wisely

Airport and in-flight meals can trigger symptoms, so to be on the safe side, Mr Kincross advises having IBS-friendly snacks to hand.

“Bananas, rice cakes and plain crackers are easy on the digestive system and can provide a quick source of sustenance without exacerbating IBS symptoms,” he said.

5. Avoid lots of fibre

Generally, fibre is important for overall digestive health.

But eating too much can cause discomfort and bloating, Mr Kinross warned.

High-fibre foods can ferment in the intestines, causing gas and abdominal pain.

So it’s best to steer clear of beans, chickpeas and lentils before taking off on a long-haul trip.

Mr Kinross said: “Before your flight, opt for low-fibre foods like white rice, lean proteins and cooked vegetables to minimise the risk of IBS symptoms during travel.”

6. Minimise stress

Between airport delays and mapping out your itinerary, travelling in general can be quite an ordeal. 

How can you combat this? With relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga to reduce stress levels, according to Mr Kinross.

Ensuring you have some ‘me time’ during your trip to rest and unwind can also contribute to a more enjoyable experience and reduce those IBS flare-ups, he added.

Finally, for those who suffer with IBS on a regular basis, don’t forget to pack any necessary medications or supplements that you know can help.

Having them on hand will give you peace of mind and rescue you if you get stuck.

And if you’re on any prescribed medication for IBS, it’s worth consulting your doctor before your holiday to ensure you have an adequate supply and any necessary documentation should you need it.

“With these strategies in place, you can make the most of your summer adventures while keeping IBS symptoms at bay,” Kinross said.

“However, if you experience persistent or severe symptoms, don’t hesitate to seek advice from a doctor.”

