The 3 signs your child needs urgent medical attention after bumping their head

CHILDREN bump their heads all the time – and in most cases, it’s nothing to worry about.

But there are some scenarios that require urgent medical attention, experts warn.

GettyAn ex-paramedic has revealed when you must call an ambulance after a child bumps their head[/caption]

Instagram – Tiny HeartsNikki Jurcutz runs children’s safety page Tiny Hearts Education[/caption]

Nikki Jurcutz, who runs children’s safety page Tiny Hearts Education, shared three instances where you need to dial 999 immediately.

The ex-paramedic said on Instagram: “These are three situations when you need to call an ambulance for your child immediately after a head bump.

“Even if they look completely fine, even if they look like they didn’t land that hard, even if it was an accident.

“These are all signs of a moderate to severe head injury, which could indicate that the brain has sustained some sort of damage.

“This is important because moderate to severe head injuries need attention quickly.”

If your child has a fall that is more than double their height – even without any symptoms.If your child has any period of a loss of consciousness after a head injury. If your child has a head injury and vomits more than once.

Nikki, from Australia, also revealed what to do if your child has a minor injury, which she acknowledged “happens all the time”.

The former emergency health worker said: “You can treat it at home with a cool pack.

“Apply it for 10 minutes and keep an eye on them.

“Then, follow up with your GP if you spot anything concerning.

“Share this information and save this post to remind yourself what to do if it happens to your little one.”

How serious are head injuries?

MOST head injuries aren’t serious, according to the NHS.

But it’s important to get medical help if you or your child have any symptoms after a head injury.

This indicates you might have concussion that can last several weeks.

You should go to A&E if you or your child had a head injury and have:

been knocked out but have now woken up
vomited (been sick) since the injury
a headache that does not go away with painkillers
a change in behaviour, like being more irritable or losing interest in things around you (especially in children under 5)
been crying more than usual (especially in babies and young children)
problems with memory
been drinking alcohol or taking drugs just before the injury
a blood clotting disorder (like haemophilia) or you take medicine to thin your blood
had brain surgery in the past

You or your child could have concussion. Symptoms usually start within 24 hours, but sometimes may not appear for up to three weeks.

You should also go to A&E if you think someone has been injured intentionally.

Source: NHS

Instagram – Tiny HeartsShe said it’s vital to dial 999 when a kid falls from more than double their height[/caption]

Instagram – Tiny HeartsIf a youngster loses consciousness, it is also important to seek urgent medical help[/caption]

Instagram – Tiny HeartsNikki said: ‘Moderate to severe head injuries need attention quickly’[/caption]  Read More 
