The 1p hack that can STOP your feet sweating on holiday revealed

THE weather is finally consistently warm.

And that means it’s time to slip into some flip flops, or high heeled sandals if you’re feeling fancy.

GettyRegular foot soaks in black tea can prevent sweaty feet[/caption]

But one thing we always forget about when the temperature begins to heat up is how much we sweat – particularly our feet.

Not only do sweaty feet stink, but they leave you uncomfortably sliding around in your shoes.

Now, it’s not impossible to get your hands on deodorant designed for feet.

But who wants to have to buy more antiperspirant when you don’t have to?

One effective solution? Regular foot soaks in black tea, according to one expert.

It’s a cheap, easy and quick DIY option to correct feet that whiff.

“The tannic acid in black tea helps to treat sweaty feet, the cause of odour,” New York City-based podiatrist Dr Jackie Sutera, DPM, said.

A tea soak “temporarily shrinks or closes sweat ducts and pores and kills surface bacteria, which ferments and stinks,” she told health website LiveStrong.

She urged people who have issues with stinky feet to try the hack during the summer months.

But it’s a preventative measure, so it’s import to soak before the problem arrives, she added.

How to make a black tea soak for your feet

Follow these steps by Dr Jackie for the stink-quelling foot bath.

1. Brew two black tea bags in a cup of tea

Don’t feel the need to be fussy when it comes to the brand or type of tea.

English breakfast is fine.

The cheapest box of standard tea bags is from the Tesco own-brand Stockwell, at 80 bags for 65p.

That comes to around 0.8p per tea bag – and just over 1p for two.

2. ​Let the water cool

You don’t want your feet to burn!

Make sure the water is luke-warm before dipping in your tootsies.

3. ​Transfer to a bucket or bowl big enough to stick your feet into

​4. Soak your feet for ten minutes

Sit back and relax while you let the tea work it’s magic.

Other reasons for stinky feet

Everyone’s feet sweat – but some people’s more than others.

Severe sweating and foot odour in every season – not just when it’s hot – could be a sign of hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating even if you aren’t overheated.

It may cause sweaty, smelly feet and be so severe that it interferes with your daily life.

Having a fungal conditions called athlete’s foot can also cause the feet to smell.

It commonly occurs in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined within tight-fitting shoes, according to the NHS.

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