The 13 red-flag cancer symptoms you should get checked out now revealed

WE’RE often told that spotting cancer early can improve our chances of recovery and survival.

But many Brits still dismiss possible symptoms or delay raising them with a doctor.

There are 13 symptoms you shouldn’t ignore if you experience them

Up to half of UK adults have put off contacting their GP for up six months after experiencing red flag cancer symptoms, a recent poll showed.

The YouGov survey of 2,468 people found just 48 per cent of those who’d experienced a “red flag” symptom, such as unexplained weight loss and a new or unusual lump, contacted their GP within half a year.

“You might think of red flag symptoms like coughing up blood or unexplained bleeding as hard to ignore, but this research shows that many do,” said Dr Julie Sharp, Cancer Research UK’s head of health and patient involvement.

Spotting cancer when its still in early stages can save lives, as treatment is more likely to be successful then, the charity said.

While you don’t need to remember all the signs and symptoms that could be indicative of the disease, it’s important to know what’s normal for you and speak to your GP if you notice any unusual changes or something that won’t go away, it added.

But what are the red flag symptoms you should be looking out for?

1. Very heavy night sweats

You’ll be no stranger to night sweats if you’ve gone through the menopause.

And it’s common for infections or certain medications to give you a temperature and sticky sheets.

But Cancer Research UK said you should speak to your doctor if you have very heavy, drenching night sweats, or an unexplained fever.

According to experts at healthline, sweating at night is a less well known symptom of certain types of cancers, including:

carcinoid tumorsleukemialymphomabone cancerliver cancermesothelioma

Experts still do not fully understand why some types of cancer cause night sweats, but it could be the result of the body trying to fight cancer.

Or the hormonal changes that happen when someone has the disease could be to blame, experts at healthline explained.

2. Fatigue

If you’re having trouble sleeping or going through something stressful, it’s normal that you’d be feeling more tired than usual.

But if you can’t pin your fatigue to a clear reason and you feel that way all the time, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

Fatigue may be a symptom of blood cancers, such as leukaemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

This is because these cancers start in the bone marrow, which produces red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body.

3. Unexplained pain or aches

It’s normal to experience more pain the older we get.

However, unexplained pain can be a sign that something more serious might be going on, according to Cancer Research UK.

4. Weight loss for no reason

Again, small changes to weight over time are pretty common and not something to worry about.

But if you haven’t been trying to lose weight and you’re suddenly noticeably thinner, speak to your doctor.

Researchers from Oxford University found that unexplained weight loss was the second highest risk ­factor for bowel, lung, pancreatic and kidney cancers.

5. Unusual lump or swelling anywhere

Persistent lumps or swelling in any part of your body should be taken seriously, Cancer Research stressed.

This includes any lumps in the neck, armpit, stomach, groin, chest, breast, or testicle.

6. Unexplained bleeding or bruising

It’s also important you speak to a doctor if you notice bleeding or bruising when you haven’t hurt yourself.

This includes blood in your poo or pee, as well as vomiting or coughing up blood. It also includes any unexplained vaginal bleeding between periods, after sex or after the menopause. 

There might not be much blood, and it could be red or a darker colour like brown or black – it’s still worth raising.

7. Mouth or tongue ulcer or patch that won’t heal

Ulcers are small sores – it’s common to get them in your mouth when you’re run down. They usually go away in about two weeks.

But if an ulcer or red or white patch on your mouth or tongue is lingering and hasn’t healed for three weeks, it’s something to raise with your doctor or dentist.

Ulcers or patches can be a symptom of mouth and oropharyngeal cancer, as can difficulty swallowing and speech problems.

8. Skin changes

When a spot, wart or sore doesn’t heal, even if it’s painless, a doctor needs to check it.

Similarly, you should also be aware of any new moles or existing moles that change in size, shape or colour, become crusty, itch, hurt, bleed or ooze.

Any unusual change in a patch of skin or a nail, whether it’s a new change or has been there for a while, should be checked out by your doctor.

9. Digestive issues

These include painful heartburn, indigestion, persistent appetite loss or bloating.

Even if your bloating comes and goes, talk to your doctor. And while heartburn is common after eating a large, fatty or spicy meal, it’s something to worry about if it’s particularly painful.

Digestive issues can be an early symptom of gastric cancer.

10. Breathlessness or a persistent cough

We’ll all feel out of breath if we’ve climbed some steep stairs or had to run for the bus.

But if you notice that you’re feeling breathless more than usual or for a lot of the time, that’s some thing to watch out for.

The same goes for a persistent cough – coughs and colds are extremely common, but if your cough doesn’t go away in a few weeks or gets worse, it could be a sign of cancer.

Both the above could be symptoms of lung cancer.

11. Changes to your poo or pee

It’s always good to have an idea of what’s normal for your bowel-wise. That way, if anything changes, you can ask your doctor about it.

Changes to your habits might include needing constipation, looser poo or pooing more often. It’s important to speak to your doctor if these last for more than three weeks, as this could be a sign of bowel cancer.

As for your wee, you might need to go more often or urgently, experience pain when peeing, or not be able to go when you need to – these could be signs of bladder cancer, though you’ll likely be able to chalk them down to something simpler like a urinary tract infection.

Blood in your poo or wee are also cancer red flags – it’s important to speak to your doctor about them.

12. Changes to your breasts

Most people will know to spot breast cancer through a lump in their boob. But other changes you shouldn’t ignore include a difference in the size, shape or feel of your breast or chest, or any skin changes, redness, or pain.

Your nipples could also leak fluid – something to watch out for if you’re not pregnant or breastfeeding. The look, position or feel of your nipple could also change.

Breast cancer is most common in women, but all people can get it. The first symptom of breast cancer most people notice is a lump in their breast or some thickening.

13. A croaky voice

Having a croaky voice that hasn’t gone away on its own should be checked out.

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