‘That’s a hard watch’ cry parents as video reveals 5 signs your baby is seriously ill, including 1 you’ve never heard of

THOUGH IT CAN be heartbreaking for parents when their little one is unwell, oftentimes they’ll be able to treat their tots at home.

But ex-paramedics have shared keys signs to keep your eyes peeled for that could indicate your baby needs immediate medical attention.

https://www.instagram.com/tinyheartseducation/A video by Tiny Hearts Education revealed five key signs that your baby is seriously ill – including drowsiness and floppiness[/caption]

https://www.instagram.com/tinyheartseducation/Another red flag was a rash that doesn’t fade when pressed by a glass[/caption]

https://www.instagram.com/tinyheartseducation/Finally, pale and blotchy skin is a key sign that your little one is unwell[/caption]

Some of them, like drowsiness or irritability, you might already be aware of.

But other key signs shown in a video posted by Tiny Hearts Education might take you by surprise.

The team of health experts behind the baby and toddler first aid education page told parents that being able to recognise the signs of a critically ill child can help “minimise delay to the hospital” and give your tot the “best chance of recovery and survival”.

“Please save and share this video with anyone with children. It could save their lives,” they added.

The video revealing the five keys signs to know struck a cord with many parents.

“This painful to watch,” one viewer commented.

“This video breaks my heart,” another added.

Others thanked the medics for posting the informative clip and some described noticing those terrifying signs in their own little ones.

1. They’re drowsy and floppy

If your little one seems drowsier than normal and their body is floppy, that a red flag they’re seriously unwell, medics behind Tiny Hearts shared.

The video showed a toddler so drowsy they struggled to keep their eyes open. Next, it showed a mum picking up her little one’s hand, only for it drop down onto the bed again.

2. They have a non-blanching rash

Toddlers are babies all get rashes at some point or another.

But it’s important parents pay special attention to certain features, the team of health experts shared.

If a rash is non-blanching, it means it doesn’t disappear when you put pressure on it.

You can use what’s called a ‘glass test’ to check this out, by pressing a glass over the rash to see if it changes.

A blotchy rash that doesn’t fade when you roll a glass over it can be a telltale sign of meningitis – an infection of the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.

The rash is accompanied by other signs, such as a stiff neck, dislike of bright lights, drowsiness and a temperature.

3. A sunken fontanelle

If you baby has a sunken soft spot at the top of their head, this is called a sunken fontanelle.

It can be a key sign that your little one is dehydrated.

Other keys signs of dangerous dehydration in babies include:

Sunken eyes

Few or no tears when they cry

Not having many wet nappies

Being drowsy or irritable

4. They’re irritable and crying

If you tot is irritable, crying continuously and can’t seem to settle down, this is another key sign they’re seriously unwell, Tiny Hearts Education shared.

The clip showed showed a toddler crying and writhing in their parents arms.

5. Pale and blotchy skin

Finally, the video posted to Tiny Hearts Education showed the tummy of a baby whose skin appeared mottled and blotchy.

A change in your little one’s skin colour, whether it goes pale or blotchy, is the final red flag ex-paramedics warned parents to watch out for.

