A TECH firm is offering manicures that allow people to pay for products using just their fingernail.
Smart Chip has created a £13 device that holds a user’s bank card details – and it can’t be stolen.
A tech firm is offering manicures that allow people to pay for products using just their fingernailSMART CHIP
It then links to a phone app, allowing the wearer to wave their finger in front of a card machine to pay their bill.
The item means wearers can do their weekly shop or buy a round even if they forget cash, their phone, watch or card.
They were fitted at a pop-up salon at the Excel Arena in Canning Town, East London.
Footage shows the chip being glued to a woman’s thumb, before it is covered over in nail polish.
Customers who already have artificial nails fitted will be able to pay just £9 for each chip.
But depending on the length of the nails, the chip will need to be replaced around five to seven times-a-year.
Smart Chip CTO Rudolph Räber said: “Smart Chip is always with you, you may even cover it with a colour.
“It can’t be stolen and you cannot forget it at home.”
Payments are handled by London-based transaction firm Digiseq, which specialises in wearable payment choices.
The tech means wearers can do their weekly shop or buy a round even if they forget cash, their phone, watch or card.SMART CHIP