“Strange” – Elon Musk Responds to Abe Hamadeh’s Tweet About Election Day Disenfranchisement Targeting Republican Election Day Voters

Elon Musk replied to an Abe Hamadeh tweet, revealing that registered Election Day voters — who turned out at a ratio of 3:1 for Republican candidates — were 15 times more likely to experience voter registration issues and have their ballot rejected than mail-in voters, which is typically how Democrats vote.

“Strange,” responded the world’s richest man and owner of Twitter.

Thousands of ballots heavily favoring Republican voters still were wrongfully not counted. Roughly 8,000 ballots remain uncounted across the state.

According to Former Assistant Arizona Attorney General Jen Wright, who is now serving as legal counsel in Abe Hamadeh’s fight against the rigged election, “more than a 1k rejected provisional voters who, despite having voted in ‘18, ‘20, & some even the ‘22 primary, had their voter registration at their primary residence canceled due to erroneous government systems & procedures.”

The race was initially called by just 511 votes before a shady recount in Pinal County found hundreds of wrongfully tossed votes heavily favoring Hamadeh. This brought the margin of “victory” down to just 280 votes.

However, Hobbs’ and her lawyers previously delayed these recount results from being presented before Abe’s case against Hobbs and Kris Mayes was dismissed. They knew the recount results were flawed and hid it from the judge.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported on a newly released video of an Election Day failure in Maricopa County, confirming that Election Day voters were disenfranchised with canceled voter registrations and forced to cast provisional ballots that were never counted.

VIDEO: “Multiple Voter Records Found!” – Maricopa County Voter’s Provisional Ballot Wrongfully NOT COUNTED After Check-In Finds DEAD VOTER (Roughly 8000 Uncounted Ballots Remain in Arizona)

According to the math, this issue occurred 15 times more to Election Day voters than main-in voters.

Hamadeh: FYI: Your ballot was 15x more likely to be rejected if you voted on Election Day in Maricopa County.

Mail-In Rejected: 1,825
Mail-In Accepted: 1,311,734

Percent rejected = .13% 

Election Day Rejected: 4,849
Election Day Accepted: 248,070

Percent rejected = 2%

Musk: Strange


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 2, 2023

It was a strange fraudulent election indeed.

As the Gateway Pundit reported, voting machine failures and tabulation issues led to massive and unprecedented voter disenfranchisement at the polls.

Voting machines and printers suddenly stopped working at nearly 60% of voting centers the moment the polls opened on election day. Republican voters were forced to wait in extremely long lines, turned away from the polls, or told to deposit their ballots in the questionable “box 3” for misread ballots.

Because of this, at least 517 voters – Nearly DOUBLE the margin of victory In Abe Hamadeh’s Attorney General race – left the long lines in Maricopa County after the polls closed on election day.

Nobody in their right mind believes this was a fair or legitimate election!

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that The Mohave County Superior Court ordered Oral Arguments on May 16 in response to Abe Hamadeh’s Motion for New Trial in his lawsuit contesting the Arizona Attorney General’s race which was decided by just 280 votes. It does not appear from the Court’s order that the Motions for Attorneys’ Fees or Sanctions will be considered on May 16, but the corrupt Defendants will likely try to bring these issues forward.

Because of this, Kris Mayes is weaponizing court sanctions against Hamadeh in the interest of remaining in power and suppressing Arizonans’ First Amendment right to challenge their elections.

BREAKING: Arizona Attorney General’s Office Fires Off Letter to Maricopa County Regarding 2022 Midterm Election Day Voter Suppression – Demanding Answers by Nov. 28

Abe’s election was more than strange. It was stolen!


The post “Strange” – Elon Musk Responds to Abe Hamadeh’s Tweet About Election Day Disenfranchisement Targeting Republican Election Day Voters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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