After staying silent all day Monday apparently waiting to see if his friends in the media would cover for him (they did), Bruce Springsteen guitarist and Democrat activist Steven Van Zandt on Tuesday backtracked on his Easter Sunday call for Republican genocide, saying he really meant to say “exterminate at the ballot box” when he said “exterminate these cockroaches once and for all.” But Van Zandt continued using the dehumanizing language of genocide, calling Republicans, “MAGotts” in Tuesday’s message.
Steven Van Zandt performs at a concert by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in Cleveland, Ohio, April 5, 2023, photo by Kristinn Taylor.
Van Zandt tweeted and deleted on Sunday, ““Outrageous doesn’t begin to describe the actions of these Republican White Supremicist scumbag cowards and pussies that need guns to feel like real men. Gen Z, Gen Y, Gen X will unite and exterminate these cockroaches once and for all”
On Tuesday, Van Zandt replied to a poster who compared his rhetoric to the Rwanda genocide of the 1990s. The poster cited an Atlantic Magazine article excerpt, “The radio station RTLM, allied with leaders of the government, had been inciting Hutus against the Tutsi minority, repeatedly describing the latter as inyenzi, or “cockroaches,””
Van Zandt replied, “In this case the phrase was used as symbolism. I know you pathetic MAGotts don’t have the intelligence to recognize that but that’s your problem. Don’t project your mindless violence fantasies on this peace loving hippie. Exterminate at the ballot box was clearly what was meant.”
In this case the phrase was used as symbolism. I know you pathetic MAGotts don’t have the intelligence to recognize that but that’s your problem. Don’t project your mindless violence fantasies on this peace loving hippie. Exterminate at the ballot box was clearly what was meant.
— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) April 11, 2023
Van Zandt was apparently given free rein by Springsteen to continue demonizing American citizens he disagrees with politically. He followed with more inflammatory, dehumanizing language.
“Racism, Fascism, Gun Fetishism, Misogyny, Homophobia, Jingoism, Christian Extremism, Immigrant Prejudice, Transphobia, and Pro-Russian Treason are not coming from both sides. All these pathologies and more are exclusively the diseases of the new Trump/DeSantis Republican Party.”
Racism, Fascism, Gun Fetishism, Misogyny, Homophobia, Jingoism, Christian Extremism, Immigrant Prejudice, Transphobia, and Pro-Russian Treason are not coming from both sides. All these pathologies and more are exclusively the diseases of the new Trump/DeSantis Republican Party.
— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) April 11, 2023
“Yeah that too. Let’s go Tennessee! Throw these Republicans the FUCK OUT! Exterminate these cockroaches at the ballot box!”
Yeah that too. Let’s go Tennessee! Throw these Republicans the FUCK OUT! Exterminate these cockroaches at the ballot box!
— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) April 11, 2023
Why is Van Zandt so wound up with hate even while out on tour with the positive, uplifting (surprisingly) non-political Springsteen show? Blame it on Morning Mika:
“Just turning on Morning Joe (which I record) and have to say there is only one thing more impressive than John Heilemann being on at 6AM after being at our show last night, and that is Jonathan LeMire being at our show and making it to Way Too Early at 5AM! Two amazing dudes!”
Just turning on Morning Joe (which I record) and have to say there is only one thing more impressive than John Heilemann being on at 6AM after being at our show last night, and that is Jonathan LeMire being at our show and making it to Way Too Early at 5AM! Two amazing dudes!
— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) April 4, 2023
CBS News reporter Robert Costa is one of Van Zandt’s friends who covered for him and ignored his call for Republican genocide.
My DC bodyguards. Robert Costa and Jamie Raskin!
— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) March 27, 2023
Costa saw the Springsteen show in Brooklyn on April 3 in what appears to be the VIP comp section.
“And special respect for Robert Costa who was also there and had to get up early today to witness America’s favorite nightmare we can’t seem to wake from.”
And special respect for Robert Costa who was also there and had to get up early today to witness America’s favorite nightmare we can’t seem to wake from.
— Stevie Van Zandt (@StevieVanZandt) April 4, 2023
“After the @CBSEveningNews ends, the rest of the evening begins…@StevieVanZandt @springsteen”
After the @CBSEveningNews ends, the rest of the evening begins… @StevieVanZandt @springsteen
— Robert Costa (@costareports) April 4, 2023
In addition to touring with Springsteen, Van Zandt is the founder of the SiriusXM Underground Garage channel, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this month.
The post Steven Van Zandt Backtracks on Call for Genocide of Republican “Cockroaches”; Springsteen Guitarist Now Says He Means “Exterminate at the Ballot Box” But Still Uses Dehumanizing Language, “MAGotts” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.