Starbucks customers share ‘nasty stomach issues’ after trying controversial new menu item

YOU MIGHT have heard of Starbucks’ new range of olive-oil infused drinks.

The coffee giant has already rolled them out in some US and Italian stores and plans to roll out the oil-laced lattes, iced espressos and cold brews in the UK later this year.

Starbucks’ new Oleato range left some customers and staff with upset stomachs

Called Oleato, the range sees a tablespoon of Partanna extra virgin olive oil added to signature beverages.

But a series of social media revelations might make UK coffee connoisseurs a little less eager to try the drinks when they do eventually become available.

A handful of Starbucks employees and customers alike claimed the Oleato range left them with some nasty digestive side effects.

Redditor u/MoodyStarGirl – who appears to be a Starbucks barista – penned a post titled “Olive oil drinks…” on March 16.

They wrote: “Half the team tried it yesterday and a few ended up… needing to use the restroom, if ya know what I mean..

“I’m honestly scared to try it because I already have stomach/bowel problems.”

Users chimed in to share their thoughts and experiences with the divisive drinks range.

“Caffeine is a stimulant for your bowels and oil a relaxant,” wrote one Redditor. “So yeah wonderful idea by Starbucks.”

“I’ve tried them, and tbh after drinking them honestly they just felt sick to my stomach lowkey,” another commented, claiming they had ‘no appetite’ for the rest of the day after trying an Oleato coffee.

People also took to Twitter to air their views on the drink.

“Pretty sure they partnered with Ex-Lax with these and not evoo [extra virgin olive oil],” one Twitter user wrote. Ex-Lax is a brand of laxative.

“Not recommended if you’re a loose stool kinda gal,” another wrote, who described their post-Oleato bathroom trip as ‘a velvety smooth and buttery experience’.

Not everyone who sampled the Oleato range had negative feedback to share, however, with one commenting the new blend was ‘very flavourful’ and might be their ‘new favourite’.

The Sun has contacted Starbucks for comment.

Experts tend to agree that olive oil is a healthy source of fat. It features heavily in the Mediterranean diet, which has been shown to slash people’s risk of Alzheimer’s and strokes.

The British Heart Foundation said olive oil is linked to good heart health, but recommends adults consume no more than 70g of fat a day.

Meanwhile, Patient UK noted that: “Fat in general, regardless of the source, can trigger the gastro-colic reflex causing looser stools – poo – especially in those with irritable bowel syndrome.”

The Royal Berkshire NHS foundation Trust echoed this warning when dishing out advice on how to avoid the runs.

“You may find that too much fat aggravates diarrhoea,” it said, cautioning people to consume less butter, margarine, oil and cream.

Given its possible bowel irritating properties, olive oil doesn’t seem to be wisest paring with coffee, which can trigger a laxative effect in some.

“Oil of any kind can help stool move through the digestive tract, especially if you’ve been constipated for a while,” registered dietitian nutritionist Frances Largeman-Roth told

“Olive oil can certainly have this effect too, especially if you’re drinking a venti or grande.”

She added that if you pair the possible laxative effect of oil with the fact that coffee is a stimulant for the digestive system, and the combo may send you straight to the loo.

“The effects may be more pronounced if you drink Oleato on an empty stomach,” she explained.

Speaking to Patient UK, consultant dietitian at The Food Treatment Clinic Kirsten Jackson said it’s not necessary to drink olive oil – despite its health benefits – as it ‘can cause excess calorie intake, which will lead to weight gain’.

“A Mediterranean diet-style approach is a much more tried and tested way to reap the benefits of olive oil without making your diet high-fat,” Patient UK added.

Starbucks top boss Howard Schultz said he was inspired to add olive oil after visiting Sicily where he spotted locals sipping a spoonful in the morning.

“Now, there’s going to be people who say, ‘Olive oil in coffee? But the proof is in the cup,” he said.

“In over 40 years, I can’t remember a moment in time where I’ve been more excited, more enthused that demonstrates the pride, the quality, the passion, the heritage and the craft of what Starbucks can do.”

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