SpaceX launching science, holiday treats and supplies to ISS Thursday

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. – SpaceX is targeting Thursday night to launch supplies, science and food for the astronauts living on the International Space Station.

A Dragon spacecraft packed with 6,500 pounds of goods for the space station is launching on a Falcon 9 rocket from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center at 8:28 p.m. EST. The spacecraft will dock at the ISS Harmony module on Saturday morning, where NASA astronauts Loral O’Hara and Jasmin Moghbeli will monitor the Dragon’s arrival. 

Here’s what to know about the upcoming launch from Florida

Forecasters with the Space Force’s 45th Weather Squadron say the conditions around Florida’s spaceport are trending favorably for Thursday’s instantaneous launch window.

Some showers are possible on Thursday evening but should remain far enough away from KSC to not be a concern, according to the forecast. Cumulus cloud cover is the only weather concern for the 8:28 p.m. liftoff. Currently, there is a 95% chance of favorable weather for launch. 

If the launch is delayed to Friday, the chances drop to 90%, with cloud cover again the main concern but remaining good for liftoff. 

Launch Forecast Officer Melody Lovin said the pleasant and dry weather is thanks to a high-pressure system over Florida this week.

“If you have the pleasure of being here on the Space Coast today and go outside, you’ll notice very sunny skies and a few low-top clouds there. But in general, the weather (Thursday) will be largely similar to what we see today,” Lovin said. “So that’s all due to the high pressure across the area.”

With temperatures in the low 70s on Thursday and Friday, either evening will be enjoyable to watch the launch in person along Florida’s Space Coast. 

This marks SpaceX’s 29th supply run to the orbiting laboratory for NASA and SpaceX’s 81st rocket launch of the year. 

With the upcoming holidays, the astronauts will get a special grocery delivery with this launch, including pumpkin spice cappuccinos, chocolate, cranberry sauce and turkey. Other groceries include pizza kits, fresh produce and specialty cheeses. 

A replacement for a tool bag lost during a spacewalk last week will be among the hardware flying on CRS 29. According to ISS deputy program manager Dana Weigel, the crew lock bag contained some tethers and tool sockets.

At any given time, hundreds of ongoing research investigations are happening at the laboratory orbiting 250 miles above Earth. After the Dragon arrives, a whole new batch of science will begin. 

The Dragon will be packed with new science investigations for NASA, including the Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE), studying gravity waves and how they affect space weather.

ISS Program Research Office deputy chief scientist Meghan Everett said AWE us a new way to look at gravity waves, the little pockets of energy that start small at low altitudes and grow as they get higher into the atmosphere. The ISS makes an excellent place to measure gravity waves because they are bigger at higher atmospheres.

“We are hoping that by measuring these atmospheric, or these gravity waves, we can get a better idea of space weather which could impact climate change or how wind and space affect our satellites,” Everett said. 

Biomedical research investigations are launching with this supply run to develop treatments for various medical issues, including respiratory illness, female reproductive health, liver cell regeneration and cognitive decline. 

A U.S. Naval Research Laboratory study will look at using new melanin variants to apply as radiation-protective coatings on spacecraft and spacesuits. According to the ISS National Laboratory, melanin is known for its ability to protect against harmful elements, including radiation and chemicals. 

Dragon will spend about a month docked at the space station before returning to Earth with research, splashing down off Florida’s coast.

Later this month, NASA and its ISS partners will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the launch of Zarya, the first module of the International Space Station. 

“Looking back over the past 25 years and seeing our space agency grown and how the international partnerships have flourished and how much research we’ve accomplished on the vehicle,” Weigel said. “As of today, 273 people from 21 countries have visited the International Space Station, which is pretty impressive.”

