SNOWFLAKE cops have asked parents not to joke that the police will take away misbehaving kids.
The bizarre plea came after an officer heard one make the light-hearted threat to their child at a Christmas market.
BNPSSnowflake cops have asked parents not to joke that the police will take away misbehaving kids[/caption]
The force in Bournemouth posted on social media: “We have a small favour to ask — quite a few parents have been joking with their under-tens, ‘Look, the police, they will take you away if you’re naughty.’
“We politely ask that you don’t joke in this way.”
But locals replied the police were being “too PC”.
One wrote: “Instead of parenting advice, try handing out some anti-social behaviour orders.”
Another commented: “We’re heading towards a society where you can’t say a thing.”
And a third added: “People used to say that to me as a kid — not once did I believe it or fear the police. It was just fun.”
Dorset Police said youngsters should know “we are here to help them”.
Police were branded “Grinches” for advising people not to leave gifts under the tree until Christmas morning, to deter burglars in Cambridgeshire.