Six Obama Administration Officials, Including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton, Used Alias Email Addresses

Source: Hillary Clinton/Twitter

Six high-ranking officials within the Obama regime, including former President Barack Obama, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, used alias email addresses during their tenure, Breitbart reported.

This finding has led to increased scrutiny and speculation, raising questions about why these high-ranking officials within the Obama regime chose to employ aliases in their communications.

Does this really come as any surprise?

The list of U.S officials from the Obama administration known to have used an email alias includes:

Lisa Jackson – Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, discovered in 2013.
Eric Holder – Former Attorney General, discovered in 2015.
Loretta Lynch – Attorney General, discovered in 2016.
Hilary Clinton – Former Secretary of State, discovered in 2016.
Barack Obama – Former President, discovered in 2016.
Joe Biden – Former Vice President, discovered in 2016.

Lisa Jackson- Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, discovered in 2013

During her reign as EPA administrator Lisa Jackson was a prolific author of email messages from a secret account she hoped to conceal.  Jackson named the account after a family dog – Richard Windsor. She used the account to communicate with far-left environmental activists.

Lisa Jackson awarded her dog’s email account with training certificates and a “scholar of ethical behavior.”

Newly released information shows that former Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson awarded her fictitious account with training certificates, including declaring “Richard Windsor” a “scholar of ethical behavior.”

Government Gone Wild… Former EPA Administrator Awarded Family Dog With Training Certificates & Official Email Account

Eric Holder – Former Attorney General, discovered in 2015

A Department of Justice official verified to the Los Angeles Times that Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. had used three email aliases since he began office in 2009.

LA Times reported:

All three of Holder’s email addresses, including the one he uses now, are on the Justice Department’s system, agency spokesman Brian Fallon said in an email.

“Meaning while his email address is not [email protected], it is still preserved for recordkeeping, etc, because it is a DOJ account,” Fallon said.

Using an email alias is a common practice among high-ranking government officials, Fallon said in a statement.

“As with many Cabinet officials, he does not use his given name in the handle of his email address,” Fallon said in a statement. “This practice is similar to using initials or numbers in an email address and helps guard against security risks and prevent his inbox from being needlessly inundated.”

Holder’s previous aliases were Henry Yearwood and David Kendricks, Fallon confirmed. His current alias has not been released.

Loretta Lynch – Attorney General, discovered in 2016

Investigative Kim DotCom posted an email showing Loretta Lynch using an alias to contact DOJ officials.

The Department of Justice released hundreds of emails to the ACLJ this week in the investigation of former AG Lynch’s secret meeting with former President Clinton.

One email shows Loretta Lynch hiding her identity from Department of Justice officials.

Melanie Newman from the Department of Justice leaked it in the email.
And— AG Lynch (Elizabeth Carlisle) responded with a “thank you.”

The Department of Justice told conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used the alias Elizabeth Carlisle to conduct official business to protect security and privacy.

The use of aliases by government officials actually stonewall’s FOIA requests because groups filing FOIA lawsuits don’t know the aliases and only request records using legal names.

This is another way the Obama administration slithered around without the public knowing what they were up to behind the scenes.

BOOM! Internet Sleuth Catches AG Loretta Lynch Using Alias to Communicate with DOJ Officials

Hilary Clinton – Former Secretary of State, discovered in 2016

Hillary Clinton’s private email server was maintained in her home while serving as secretary of State and used two alias email addresses, “hdr22” and “hrod17.”

Under 18 U.S.C. § 2071, individuals who willfully remove or destroy records “filed or deposited” in “any public office” —   or who attempt to do so — may be subject to fines or up to three years of imprisonment if they deprive the government use of those documents (United States v. Rosner, 352 F. Supp. 915 (S.D.N.Y. 1972)), according to

Breitbart reported:

Hillary Clinton set up a private email server, and a private email network for herself and her family and Abedin. Doing so could prevent her emails from being “accessible” to the federal government, not to mention Congress.

The private network allowed Clinton, Abedin, and aides Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan to swap emails with the Clinton Foundation, various world leaders, and Doug Band’s global consulting firm Teneo Holdings, where Abedin also worked during her time at the State Department. This would have been problematic, considering Clinton’s 2009 ethics agreement, leaked on Cryptome, in which she vowed not to coordinate with the Clinton Foundation.

The FBI investigation began with one simple premise: that Hillary Clinton violated the Espionage Act of 1913 by allowing national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed” through “gross negligence.” Clinton team emails have now ended up in the hands of Julian Assange — a man who lives sequestered in an Ecuadorian embassy — and in the hands of detectives in the Anthony Weiner sexting case.

Barack Obama – Former President, discovered in 2016

In March 2016 Barack Obama told CBS News he heard about Hillary Clinton’s private emails through news reports.

But Obama lied.

FBI records released in September 2016 revealed Barack Obama emailed Hillary Clinton often using a pseudonym email account.

IG Report Ignores Obama’s Use of Pseudonym Email Account to Communicate with Hillary… What Were They Hiding?

Joe Biden – Former Vice President, discovered in 2016

House Oversight Committee James Comer on Wednesday dropped a list of pseudonyms Biden used as Vice-president and formally requested the National Archives to hand over all un-redacted records of Biden using them.

Biden used the email address “[email protected]” while Barack Obama’s sidekick and that his aide John Flynn cc’d Hunter on 10 emails containing Joe’s schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016.

He also used “Robin Ware” and “JRB Ware” while “working” as vice-president.

In addition to the pseudonyms, Comer wants records in which Hunter, Eric Schwerin, or Devon Archer were copied and drafts of Joe’s speech to the Ukrainian Parliament in December 2015.

JUST IN: James Comer Reveals List Of Pseudonyms Joe Biden Used As VP – Demands National Archives Hand Over ALL Un-Redacted Records of “Robert L. Peters” aka Joe Biden

The post Six Obama Administration Officials, Including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton, Used Alias Email Addresses appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

