Sir Alex Ferguson missed train to Man Utd match because he was watching horseracing – then FINED his staff week’s wages

SIR ALEX FERGUSON missed his train because he was watching the horseracing and took it out on his own staff.

The Manchester United managerial legend was famous for “Fergie Time” but it seemed he wasn’t keeping track of it when he missed his train to an away game.

GettySir Alex Ferguson once missed his train to a Manchester United game because he was watching the horseracing on his phone[/caption]

Fergie’s former right-hand man Rene Meulensteen recalled the Scotsman’s howler in his new book “Sir Alex, and Me.”

He said: “When we were travelling for away games in the Premier League, we would always set off the day before in the afternoon, having trained in the morning.

“We would normally jump on the train in Wilmslow where we had two first-class carriages to ourselves. I would always share a table with the boss, who sat opposite me, and Simon Wells, who sat next to me.

“However on this day, we were to depart from Macclesfield station. Normally the boss and I would share a ride, but not this time.

“Whilst waiting at the station I didn’t see him anywhere, so I thought he must have jumped on somewhere else. When I got on the train, only Simon was in his seat. ‘Where is the boss?’ I asked. ‘No idea.’”

And nobody had a clue were Sir Alex was until they got a phone call from the man himself.

But despite the incident being entirely his fault he ended up fining the staff a week’s wages anyway.

Rene explained: “Then Albert the kit man’s phone rang. It was the boss! ‘Albert, where the hell are you?!’ he fumed through the phone. ‘We are on our way to London, boss, where are you?


Bradley Ormesher – The TimesSir Alex Ferguson and Rene Meulensteen worked together at Manchester United for seven years[/caption]

“‘In the car park at Macclesfield station, I missed the bloody train!’

“I was watching the horseracing on my phone and forgot what time it was!’ We all cracked up, but the boss was less amused as we found out later at dinner.

“‘You’re all fined a week’s wages.’ So we all assumed the horse hadn’t won either. We all did have a good laugh about it though.”

Ferguson spent 27 years at the helm of Manchester United with Rene by his side six of them.

Together the pair won four Premier League trophies and one Champions League.

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