Simple quiz reveals your real age and when you might die

WE would all like to have a crystal ball to see into the future, especially when it comes to our health.

Now one simple quiz could shed light on what the next years might hold for you and how long you could live for.

vitalityThe quiz can help determine how long you will live and how to improve your lifespan[/caption]

Vitality The questions look at things such as your weight and height, as well as other factors such as your nutrition[/caption]

Developed by experts at Vitality, the Healthy Futures calculator can help both predict and improve your lifespan.

Just a few questions can help reveal your true age along with what you should be doing to live longer.

Once you’ve offered up some health information, the quiz can calculate how many years you will live for based on your current lifestyle.

Not only this, but it also reveals how many of these years you will be able to spend in good health.

The experts explained that your lifestyle now affects how healthy you will be in your future years.

“One thing we can’t change is time; we all age. However you can make changes to your lifestyle that influence your longevity and how you live out your years.

“When you make healthier choices, you’ll feel better in the long term,” experts said.

The first round of questions are straightforward and those wanting to get a better insight on their health and wellbeing will be asked the following:

Biological sex (what you were born as, male or female)The month and year you were bornHow many days a week you do vigorous exercise (fast cycling, running or heavy lifting)How many minutes this session lasts for How many days a week you do moderate activity (walking briskly, cycling at a regular pace)How many minutes these exercises last for.

Next you’ll be asked questions on your VO2max.

This refers to the maximum volume of oxygen your body can use during exercise and is a way to assess your cardiovascular fitness level.

These can be measured by fitness apps and devices that provide the measure based on your activity levels, they can also be taken by an exercise physiologist.

However, if you don’t know this measure, you can tick ‘not sure’ and instead you’ll be asked what your cardiovascular fitness level is.

Next up are questions on your food, and you’ll be asked how often you eat whole grain foods, and during that time, how many portions you consume.

You’ll also be quizzed on how many legumes you eat, this includes cooked, or canned dried beans, lentils, chickpeas or split peas.

Other food questions look at how many nuts and seeds you have, how much fruit and veg you eat, red meat and processed meat consumption, as well as the number of sugar sweetened drinks you have.

When it comes to seasoning, you’ll be asked how much salt you consume, this is important as the NHS states that a diet high in salt can cause raised blood pressure, which can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Questions then go on to focus on weight, height, alcohol consumption and how much sleep you get each night.

At the end of the quiz you’ll then be provided with the details you need to help implement change.

For example, if you’re overweight, it will be recommended that one of the main ways you can extend your life is to reduce your Body Mass Index (BMI).

The experts add that while their tool is based on science, it does have limitations.

“It’s based on averages and provides a guide for what could be and does not take the place of the advice of your doctor.”

Other simple tests are also available, which include an NHS test that reveals the exact number of calories you need to eat to lose weight.

While another test can reveal whether or not you have bad breath.

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