Shocking number of Botox & lip-filler injections performed by qualified doctors revealed

JUST one in three Botox and lip-filler injections are being performed by qualified doctors, a study has found.

Experts warn lives are being put at risk by a boom in have-a-go practitioners.

GettyOne in three Botox and lip-filler injections are being performed by qualified doctors, a study has found[/caption]

When cosmetic procedures go wrong they can have serious side effects, disfiguring customers’ faces and even causing botulism — a life-threatening illness.

Research by University College London said the £11billion sector is “effectively unregulated”.

The Sun’s Had Our Fill campaign has called for tougher restrictions to protect patients.

Dr David Zargaran, an NHS plastic surgeon, said: “It is important for patients to feel confident that the person administering their treatment is competent.”

His study analysed 1,224 clinics and 3,667 practitioners offering injected beauty treatments, such as anti-wrinkle jabs and dermal fillers.

It found 32 per cent were doctors, who are strictly regulated by the General Medical Council.

Another 24 per cent were dentists and 13 per cent were nurses.

Most had some medical background but 29 per cent were not registered with a regulator like the GMC.

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