Sen. Josh Hawley Responds to Durham Report: Hillary Needs to be Prosecuted – FBI Needs to Be Disbanded (VIDEO)

Earlier today Special Counsel John Durham released his final report concluding the FBI had no verified intel when it opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump in 2016, according to Just the News.

This was Durham’s final report. There will be no arrests. The American people were lied to for years as the intel community worked feverishly to accomplish their coup on President Trump. And THEY ALL KNEW it was a lie.

Tonight Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) joined Jesse Watters on FOX News to discuss the final Durham Report. Hawley says the FBI should be disbanded.

Sen. Josh Hawley: There needs to be a lot more than reports, Jesse. People need to be prosecuted for this. The Clinton campaign and Hillary Clinton herself. Is it any coincidence that she is tweeting about collusion at exactly the same time her campaign operatives are feeding this BS to the FBI? I don’t think so. There needs to be consequences for her and also for the FBI.

FBI leadership has clearly got to be changed. And, Jesse, I’m of the mind we need to end the FBI as we know it. It needs to be broken up. I mean, clearly it has become corrupt. The leadership is corrupt. You can talk to FBI agents in the field. I was just doing this just this past week. Great folks in my home state all over the place, but they’re not served by this leadership. This leadership has become totally radically politicized, and we’ve got to change it…

We’ve got to get justice here, and justice needs to be served. You can’t interfere in a presidential election without consequences. At least you couldn’t, you used to not be able to in America. And that’s what happened here. That’s what this report shows. That one political party, the Democrats, tried to use the FBI to rig a presidential election and just about got away with it. They succeeded in getting the FBI to intervene. They succeeded in getting the FBI to lie to a court to get wiretaps. They succeeded in getting a presidential campaign Donald Trump’s campaign spied on. I mean, it’s amazing. If there’s something like this in American history, I don’t know what it is. And that’s why I say there needs to be prosecutions. There needs to be accountability. And the FBI has got to be overhauled now, top to bottom. It’s got to be completely reformed. It cannot go on like it is.

Via Jesse Watters Primetime.

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