Rihanna revived her luxe maternity style at the 2023 Oscars on March 12. After announcing her second pregnancy during her halftime show at the Super Bowl in February, the “Lift Me Up” singer walked the Academy Awards red carpet in a custom dress with butt-baring hip cutouts by Alaïa. Her stylist, Jahleel Weaver, completed the sheer outfit with satin Giuseppe Zanotti heeled sandals, emerald-and-gold drop earrings by Moussaieff Jewellers, and massive statement rings on each hand.
The proud mom, who famously did not bring her 9-month-old as her date, showcased the sultry dress from all angles as she caressed her baby bump, swaddled in sheer fabric. The gown featured a see-through bodice with a mock-neck collar, long sleeves, and a black leather bralette. A thin strap of leather curved around her back, connecting the top to a floor-length skirt with butt-baring hip cutouts on either side of her waist.
The award show was Rihanna‘s first public appearance since her viral halftime show, during which she rocked the football field in a Loewe utility jumpsuit. She has since appeared on the cover of Vogue and spoken about what it was like to bring her son home for the first time, as well as how she’s cultivating her postpartum style.
Ahead, see Rihanna’s stunning dress at the 2023 Oscars.