Residents of Washington State Blast Biden Administration Plan to Release Grizzly Bears Near Their Communities

The Biden administration is planning to release Grizzly Bears into northwest Washington State, but the people who live there are blasting the idea.

There are farms and orchards in the areas around the planned bear zone and people fear for livestock and their own safety if these apex predators are released in the area.

Grizzly Bears are extremely dangerous wild animals. These people are right to be concerned.

FOX News reports:

Local residents explode at Biden officials over plan to release grizzly bears near their communities

Dozens of local residents in northern Washington recently voiced their strong opposition to a Biden administration plan to release grizzly bears, an apex predator, in a federally-managed forest area near their communities.

More than 200 local residents attended a public comment session in northern Washington hosted by the Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Parks Service (NPS), with roughly 50 speaking in opposition of the federal grizzly bear proposal and just six voicing their support. Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., who represents local communities, was among the speakers voicing concerns about the plan’s potential consequences.

“As a farmer, I worry not only about the bears destroying my crops, but for the safety and well-being of myself, my family, and my on-farm hands,” Newhouse remarked during the session. “It is clear you all know that grizzlies can and probably will move out of the zone in which you drop them in, yet rather than letting common sense prevail, are continuing to push forward with this dangerous plan.”

“So tell me, what is the agency’s plan for dealing with crop loss and livestock depredation that is inevitable from the introduction of these predators? What is the timeline for issuing lethal permits? And how much will citizens have to lose before they can defend themselves from this predator in their backyard?” he continued.

Rep. Newhouse repeated these points during an appearance on News Nation. Watch below:

This is an absolutely horrible idea, but then we’re talking about the Biden administration here.

The post Residents of Washington State Blast Biden Administration Plan to Release Grizzly Bears Near Their Communities appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

