Reporter Douglas Murray Gives Unsettling Analysis of the Ongoing Israel-Hamas War That Others are Too Scared to Admit (VIDEO)

During a recent intense and revealing interview on “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” British political commentator and reporter, Douglas Murray, offered a critical perspective on the current Israel-Hamas conflict. His insights, often overshadowed by mainstream media narratives, shine a light on the complexities of the situation.

Piers Morgan opened the conversation with concerns of creating an atmosphere for greater radicalization due, in part, to the high amount of civilian casualties.

Associating Barack Obama’s statement, Morgan poses the question: won’t all of these young Palestinians inevitably grow to become a new iteration of Hamas seeking revenge for loved ones lost?

Douglas Murray countered with a provocative argument. He challenged the assumption that there’s a significant portion of the Gazan population desiring peace and a two-state solution, juxtaposed with a few extremists in Hamas.

Murray cited an instance of violence against a Shani Louk, a Jewish woman, by ordinary Gazans, questioning the presumed peaceful nature of the population.

“Two things. One is if you just follow the logic of what Barack Obama said, then you just shouldn’t do anything. If you’re Israel, you should be attacked and just sit back and say, great, we’ll wait for the next one.”

“But the second and more important thing is your question supposes that there is a sort of peaceful Palestinian population in the Gaza who would love a two state solution and then a few bad apples in Hamaz. I think that’s not true.”

“Why is it that when one of the victims of the music festival, a poor young German-Jewish girl, who it seems was raped and then brutally murdered and taken into the Gaza naked?

“Why was it that you can find, a crowd of ordinary Gazans —it wasn’t Hamaz, it wasn’t a Hamaz rally— ordinary Gazans spitting on her body, hitting her body, mutilating her body further as it went down the street. Does that strike you Piers, as a placid population of peacenic types who are just desperately waiting for a two state solution to be put back on the table for the millionth time in the last 70 something years? It doesn’t seem like that to me,” Murray refuted.

Morgan raised the issue of collective punishment, questioning whether holding all Gazans responsible for the actions of Hamas was morally justifiable. Murray argued that while collective punishment is not the answer, the Gazan population bears some responsibility for Hamas’ continued power, drawing a parallel with historical examples like Nazi Germany.

“First of all, there is some responsibility for the peoples in the Gaza. If you elect Hamaz and they kill Fatah and then they remain in power for all of the years afterwards, I’m afraid that there is some responsibility of the people in that situation.”

“When the Germans had Adolf Hitler come to power and voted for him, we in Britain took the view that the German people were responsible in some way. So I’m not for collective punishment per se, but nor am I for this idea that there is something unique going on in the Israeli Gaza context that we in Britain couldn’t understand,” said Murray.

Morgan highlighted Gaza’s unique demographic situation, with nearly half the population being children.

“There is one unique thing in our own history. There is similar things, but there is one unique thing, which is that the population of Gaza is pretty unique in that nearly half of the population are children, that is a unique situation,” Morgan said.

Murray acknowledged this but pointed to the ironic situation where Gaza, continues to experience a population boom. The population of Gaza, he observes, seems to exhibit a constant growth rate, despite frequent allegations of genocide by Israelis. To him, this points towards an unstable status quo in the region.

“I’ll tell you what’s unique about the population of Gaza. It’s the only population in the world where people routinely claim Israelis are committing genocide, but which has a population boom all of the time. I mean, that strikes me as being quite an interesting thing about the Gaza.”

Murray made a bold comparison between Hamas and the Nazis, stating that Hamas’s actions and ideology are as barbaric, if not more so, than those of the Nazis.

“As for the moral currency, I want to make a very, very important point, if I can say so on this, which is people quite often abuse history and they say things all the time. The only thing anyone from history knows is about the Nazis.”

“Here’s something I can tell you with absolute certainty, Piers. Having not just seen some of the results of what Hamaz did on the ground here in Israel a few weeks ago, but having watched the videos of the unedited footage which I was one of the journalists sadly allowed to see the other day, I can tell you one thing, the comparison between Hamaz and the Nazis is insufficient.”

Murray shares an unsettling analysis of the situation after viewing unedited footage of the violence. In contrast to Nazis who were tormented by their actions, Hamas, he posits, seems to commit these horrifying crimes with gleeful pride.

“The thing that struck me, you know bout seeing the 7 October footage, was that even the Nazis were actually ashamed of what they did. SS Battalions who spent their days shooting Jews in the back of the head and pushing them into trenches had to get very, very drunk in the evening to forget what they had done.

“The Nazi high command famously had to sort of get around the problem of soldier morale, because the soldiers knew this wasn’t exactly what their lives were meant to look like either.

“I tell you one very big difference. If you look at the footage, the raw footage, and I really hope people don’t, on a wider scale, have to view what I viewed the other day. If they see it, they will see something that is at least as barbaric as what the Nazis did.

“But here’s the difference, they did it with glee. They were deeply proud. You see people trying to taking the head off a young Israeli man with a shovel and then calling their parents back in Gaza.”

“I’m not exaggerating with this… And people need to realize, you had this situation with the Nazis where they also were a genocidal anti-Semitic organization, but they tried to cover their crimes up. Hamaz are actually proud of them and they’ve said they will do them until the whole world is clear of Jews. So I suggest we take that seriously. And I think that Israel is taking it seriously. I hope they continue to take it seriously, but I think the world should take it seriously and that includes Britain,” Murray said.

Murray criticized some British journalists, commentators, and politicians for their lack of understanding of the situation and the challenges Israel faces.

“When I hear British journalists, British commentators and British politicians lecturing the Israelis on what they should do, I think, I’m sorry, this shows a failing in our country. It shows that we and Britain cannot enforce our laws. We don’t even enforce our borders in Britain. It’s us that is the weak link in the international security chain on this, not Israel,” Murray said.


The best 7-minute explanation of the current war by @DouglasKMurray. Worth every second of it!

Please watch and share.

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 10, 2023

The post Reporter Douglas Murray Gives Unsettling Analysis of the Ongoing Israel-Hamas War That Others are Too Scared to Admit (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

