Report Exposes Newest Muslim Atrocities Against Christians

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Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘Victims are treated as if they were the perpetrators’

The details in a new report get gruesome very quickly.

Three Muslims abduct and violently rape a 16-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan.
In another attack in the same country, this time on a 15-year-old Christian girl, four men abduct her “at gunpoint” and “gang-raped” her.
In Nigeria, Muslims including the employees of a college “abducted and forcibly converted” to Islam a 20-year-old Christian college student.
There’s even a “well-financed campus group called the ‘Council of Muslim Sisters,’” which routinely “forcibly” converts students to Islam.
In Egypt, an asylum seeker from Yemen has been jailed for nearly two years for “exercising his rights to freedom of expression, conscience and belief.”
In Uganda, Sula Mugudi, 70, and his wife, Aisha, 62, returned from church to find their modest home destroyed – by their own relatives – because they were “an embarrassment to our Muslim family.”
In the Congo, Muslims slaughtered 39 Christians, including 12 children, in a series of attacks.

And all that happened just in the month of October, according to Raymond Ibrahim, the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute. He’s also the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

The report cites an analysis from BitterWinter,org, which explained the assaults by Muslims are common, and while, “Some cases do land in courts. But it is not easy for the victims to win them. Sometimes, the victims are treated as if they were the perpetrators.”

The report outlines the attack on the 16-year-old in Pakistan, Persis Masih, who was apparently grabbed from her home after the rest of her family had left for church where her father is pastor.

The criminals dumped her, a day later, in front of her home.

“Her physical and emotional state in shambles,” the report said.

In that case, she identified an attacker and police actually took him into custody, even though “police in Pakistan are notorious for turning a blind eye to the persecution of Christians.”

Juliet Chowdhry, of the British Asian Christian Association, said of another, similar attack on a family: “It appears that this crime targeted them due to their vulnerability and the sense of impunity that perpetrators often feel when targeting marginalized communities.”

The 15-year-old? She was “forcibly converted to Islam and married to one of her captors.”

“Six months later, when her abductors were distracted with a funeral, Mishal managed to escape and return to her father’s home. But when she and her father went to report the kidnappers and rapists to police, ‘Not only did the officers refuse to investigate, but they also informed Michal’s captors of what was going on. The girl and her father had to go into hiding for fear of being killed,’” the report said.

Ibrahim reported on Kyrgyzstan, where, “Converts to Christianity are openly being targeted for persecution in the Central Asian Muslim nation.” There, ideologues are creating videos “calling for people to break into Christian communities and churches to capture the faces of believers on video and then distribute their images online to encourage persecution.”

The report noted in Uganda, “suspected Islamic terrorists” murdered three Christians in a national park including a guide and two tourists because they were accused of “supporting Christians.”

In Nigeria, “Muslim Fulani herdsmen raid a Christian village during the night ‘and sprayed bullets on the bodies of innocent people while sleep,’ ‘killing eight, an eyewitness said,” documented the report.

In other slaughters of Christians, Muslims used machetes.

In Iraq, “more than 100 Christians were burned alive after a fire broke out during a Christian wedding ceremony; another 150 attendees were seriously injured. Nearly 60 of those killed were directly related to the bride and groom,” the report said. The government said the fire was “accidental.”

Even in Italy, Muslims routinely vandalize Christian sites, including the bell tower of a church is Sacille, where they wrote the Islamic credo: “There is no god but allah.” Similar situations have developed in Germany and France, Greece and Sweden.

The Gatestone article also links to historic monthly reports documenting such persecution of Christians dating back more than a decade.

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The post Report Exposes Newest Muslim Atrocities Against Christians appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

