REPORT: CBS News Executives Barred the Word ‘Transgender’ From Coverage of Nashville Shooter

Executives at CBS News reportedly barred the use of the word ‘tansgender’ following the shooting in Nashville. The killer was transgender.

Do you think CBS News would bar use of the term ‘Trump supporter’ if that is what the killer had been? Not a chance.

The media, which is part of the Democrat party, looks out for supporters of the party. There is no other explanation for this.

The New York Post reports:

CBS execs bar the word ‘transgender’ from reports on Nashville shooter: ‘This is not journalism’

Top executives at CBS News have banned staffers from using the word “transgender” when reporting on Nashville shooter — despite the fact police have said Audrey Hale was transgender and cited it as a key point in the case, The Post has learned.

“The shooter’s gender identity has not been confirmed by CBS News,” the network’s executives insisted in a Tuesday memo obtained by The Post. “As such, we should avoid any mention of it as it has no known relevance to the crime. Should that change, we can and will revisit.”

The CBS News directive was delivered on a Tuesday morning editorial call by Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews, the executive vice president of newsgathering; and Claudia Milne, the senior vice president of standards and practices, according to sources close to the Tiffany Network.

“Right now we advise saying: POLICE IDENTIFIED THE SUSPECT AS A 28-YEAR-OLD AUDREY HALE, WHO THEY SHOT AND KILLED AT THE SCENE,” the Tuesday memo said. “And move on to focus on other important points of the investigation, community and solutions.

Sources said Ciprian-Matthews and Milne spent 15 minutes on the Tuesday call discussing the directive — bewildering many journalists, given that the Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake said Hale was transgender and that her identity may be relevant to the motive.

This is not journalism. It’s social engineering and political propaganda.

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