Rep. Nancy Mace: McCarthy and House Leadership Is Telling House Conservatives and House Moderates Two Different Things on Impeachment (VIDEO)

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Friday morning following the first Biden impeachment hearing on Thursday.

Republicans in Congress are also voting on funding the government today and tomorrow.

Rep. Mace went over the recent developments in the US House of Representatives with Steve Bannon.

On the Biden impeachment:

Rep. Nancy Mace: it certainly was a somewhat tough day for the way that the mainstream media covered it, because we do have evidence. We have text messages and emails corroborated by phone calls, by meetings, by dinners, et cetera, and we have this information. What I tried to do is connect the dots. And our witnesses were there to show a baseline. They’re knowledgeable about constitutional law or tax law investigations and whether or not the behavior was legal or illegal… What I’m trying to do is show that there is evidence it does exist. And if you’re going to say it doesn’t, well, guess what? I’m going to get in your face. I’m going to call you out for what you are, which is a liar, and do what I can to show the American people the proof that we have.

What’s next in the Biden impeachment:

Rep. Nancy Mace: We got to subpoena Hunter Biden and James Biden. But the bookkeeper to me is the one that knows where all the bodies are buried because this was a very complex web of accounts and LLCs and I want to know how Joe Biden got paid. It’s very clear that he got paid and I want to know how those transactions, how was the money given to Joe Biden? Was it cash? Was it gold bars? Was it through Venmo or credit cards with Hunter Biden’s name on? I mean, there are a lot of ways that money laundering can happen and we have to prove that and we’re going to have to have witnesses called.

On Joe Biden’s illegal business deals and millions in bribes.

Rep. Nancy Mace: It took months to get permission to go over to Treasury and see the first tranche of 170 SARS reports. And the amount of money that we’re talking about, it would blow your head off. Steve. I mean, it is enormous sums of money. And what we saw in the SARS reports consistently is that the Biden family got a one third cut of all the money. When I say I think it’s north of 50 million of what the Biden family cut was, you can imagine how much money we’re talking about overall. But then we find out there were seven more Bidens, there are more suspicious activity reports that we haven’t gotten access to yet… Because this is Joe Biden’s presidency, this is Joe Biden and his family, originally, we were only going to get access to one out of 170 Suspicious Activity Reports. We finally got access to all of that initial tranche. But there’s more that we haven’t even seen yet. And so it’s astounding and disgusting and shameful and unamerican to be blocked from members of Congress from doing their job on oversight and being prohibited access to these things. Whenever we want to look at… If one person or one company has one Suspicious Activity Report any lifetime that is rare. And then to see there are 170 between two members of Joe Biden’s family in like a short, truncated period of time, it’s obscene that these guys haven’t been indicted for money laundering, for wire fraud, for racketeering, for bribery.

On McCarthy playing games with the GOP Caucus.

Rep. Nancy Mace: We’re talking with some in leadership who told conservative members of our caucus there will be an impeachment before an inquiry was ever started. And the same leadership went over to moderates in the party and said, there will never be an impeachment prior to the inquiry. And so it’s really hard to tell what may or may not actually happen sometimes.

So, McCarthy is playing games with the impeachment process in order to soothe the RINOs. How shameful!

Via The War Room.

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