Reminder: Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Today- Pivotal Race, Will Determine Future of State and Country

Today’s Wisconsin Supreme Court Election between conservative Dan Kelly and radical left racist Janet Protasiewicz will have ripple effects well beyond the Badger State.

Control of Congress, the Presidency, and decades of conservative precedent are all on the ballot. Wisconsin, along with the rest of America, could turn into a totalitarian state should the far-left Protasiewicz prevail.

With the stakes this high, one should not be surprised over $45 million has been spent on the race.

Here are the key issues and how a Protasiewicz victory will detrimentally impacts each one:

Abortion – Wisconsin currently has an 1849 law which bans abortion in nearly every circumstance. Far-left advocates have been salivating for an opportunity to overturn this law for years but have been thwarted by the conservative bent on the court along with the Republican state legislature.

A win by Protasiewicz means the law gets overturned and abortion on demand arrives in Wisconsin. This would lead to the preventable deaths of thousands of unborn children.

Redistricting– Republican currently dominate the state legislature, holding a near supermajority (two-thirds) in the House and Senate. Furthermore, they have a 6-2 edge in the Congressional delegation.

While the left claims gerrymandering is responsible for the massive GOP edge, the real reason Republicans have an advantage is due to the Democratic base in Wisconsin being packing in liberal urban areas like Madison and Milwaukee.

The State Supreme Court chose redistricting lines drawn by Republicans last time because Wisconsin Democrat Governor Tony Evers and the GOP state lawmakers were unable to agree.

While Kelly will seek to keep the fair lines intact, Protasiewicz has vowed to reverse them, claiming they are unfair at a recent debate.

I don’t think anybody thinks those maps are fair. Anybody.

A Protasiewicz win means the Supreme Court would revisit the lines and gerrymander them for Democrats. Republicans would suffer severe losses in the state legislature and potentially two congressional seats as well.

The loss of House seats could be enough to decide control of Congress next year considering Republicans only hold a 222-213 majority. At best, Republicans would not be able to reverse the disastrous policies from last Congress even if a Republican won back the White House. At worst, it means a socialist dictatorship arrives in America with a Democrat trifecta (House, Senate, and Presidency) and no more filibuster.

Election Integrity – A win by the Protasiewicz would also mean the death of election integrity in Wisconsin. Democrats would be able to cheat with impunity and not have to worry about a potential audit of election results.

In addition, Wisconsin’s 2011 voter ID law would likely be tossed out due to “racial concerns,” enabling felons and illegal aliens to cast ballots without anyone knowing. Democrats would consistently be able to “outperform the polls” and prevail.

This has serious consequences for 2024 because the GOP pathway to winning the White House without Wisconsin is extremely difficult. Other states that could serve as a pathway to 270 votes like Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Minnesota all are to the left of the Badger State politically.

Crime– A Protasiewicz victory will put law-abiding Wisconsin residents in danger. She has consistently gone soft on violent criminals during her time as a judge.

Perhaps Protasiewicz’s most infamous case involved her sentencing a man to just over two years after brutally raping a military veteran in 2019. As reported by Fox News, she told the perp, 42-year-old Robert Guzinski, after the case concluded that she wished she could have only given him probation.

As much as part of me would like to place you on probation, I just can’t do that. It’s not a probationary case.

In another case, Protasiewicz sentenced a man who busted his wife’s face in a brutal beating to only six months in prison. Two years later, Lazarick Spade, the wifebeater, fired several bullets outside his estranged wife’s home, nearly killing her.

Protasiewicz also gave man who brutally raped his cousin while she was unconscious a slap on the wrist.

Violent thugs will no doubt have a dependable ally on the Court should Protasiewicz get elected.

Multiple conservative reforms also on the line:

As the National Review reported, a win by Protasiewicz could mean the mean higher taxes for Wisconsin residents along with the loss of school choice and 2nd amendment rights.

Former Governor Scott Walker’s famous 2011 law curbing public employee unions could also be in danger if Kelly loses, according to GOP activists. Protasiewicz marched against the law and signed a recall petition against Walker.

The scant polling available suggests the radical leftist has a small advantage. A massive Republican turnout is a must if Kelly is to prevail.

The post Reminder: Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Today- Pivotal Race, Will Determine Future of State and Country appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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