RARE coins thought to have been buried in 1066 — the year of the Battle of Hastings — are expected to sell for £180,000.
The 122 Anglo-Saxon pennies were in a hoard of 144 — worth 12 shillings 950 years ago — found in an Essex field by two metal detectorists in 2019 and 2020.
ApexRare coins thought to have been buried in 1066 are expected to sell for £180,000[/caption]
ApexThe 122 Anglo-Saxon pennies were worth 12 shillings 950 years ago[/caption]
One silver coin was detected only 4in deep.
Auctioneer Bradley Hopper said their owner might have died in battle.
He added: “Twelve shillings was a considerable sum.
“Its retrieval must’ve been prevented by some great personal misfortune.
“We can’t say with certainty the hoard’s owner died at Hastings — but it’s a tantalising possibility.”
Museums bought 16 of the coins found near Braintree.
And 122 others — including a Harold II penny — go under the hammer in London next week.
Profits go to the finders and field owner.