Radical California Democrat Running for Congress in Critical Swing District BRAGS About Prosecuting January 6th Protesters and Gets Destroyed So Badly that He Limits Replies on His X/Twitter Account (VIDEO)

A far-left California Democrat running in a critical swing district has made locking up January 6th protesters a key part of his campaign message, and conservatives are not happy.

Prosecutor Will Rollins is seeking a rematch against California Republican Congressman Rep. Ken Calvert in California’s 41st Congressional District, which is critical to both parties’ hopes of winning the house. Calvert fought off Rollins by less than five percentage points back in 2022.

On Wednesday, Rollins put a post and accompanying video on X/Twitter bragging about prosecuting these Trump supporters, which included grandmas and veterans who were just exercising their First Amendment rights on that fateful day.

“My name is Will Rollins,” the radical leftist writes. “ I am a former national security prosecutor who helped prosecute January 6th defendants.”

“This is my story, and it’s why I’m running for Congress.”

He repeats this boast in his video as well.

We’ve watched as people have become angrier and more violent as they’ve heard similar conspiracy theories and QAnon lies ripple across social media and then echo on Fox News.

I saw the same thing when I helped prosecute people who attacked the U.S Capitol on January 6th.


My name is Will Rollins.

I am a former national security prosecutor who helped prosecute January 6th defendants.

This is my story, and it’s why I’m running for Congress. #CA41 pic.twitter.com/sFKJ8HNWIL

— Will Rollins (@WillRollinsCA) October 25, 2023

Conservatives furiously responded to Rollins’ tyrannical brag and destroyed him so badly he ended up limiting the replies on X/Twitter.

LOOK (click the Rollins portion of the post below):

Please meet the #coward Will Rollins.

Not only is he proud of ruining people’s lives for trespassing, he disallows any comments on his timeline unless you are a supporter of his totalitarian BS. https://t.co/zdHwZaRbgg

— Pistol Packin’ Momma (@Mary25410275) October 27, 2023

Here were some of the most brutal responses:

In other words you’re one of Bidens Gestapo brown shirts who ruined the lives of peaceful protesters for political retribution
Enjoy the ratio D-Bag

— Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) October 26, 2023

Is this how they will repay you for throwing innocent American citizens into the DC Gulag??

Treason doesn’t pay well in the end, Will

— T (@TWolfXXXlll) October 26, 2023

Eat a bag of dictator dicks.

— Golden Advice (@RichardStiller4) October 27, 2023

Is police state thuggery your basic platform? https://t.co/cydULS00A8

— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) October 27, 2023

you were the bag man

Good to know pic.twitter.com/ERtyDQtQI4

— ⬣2A Uncle Al ⬣ (@AllenZee) October 26, 2023

You obviously got picked on as a child…seek help !!!

— CCG Joseph O’Shaughnessy Cpt O (@CPTOshaughnessy) October 26, 2023

You look like the type of guy who needs help opening a jar of pickles.

— ‍☠️Captain Christopher MAGA ‍☠️ (@RealCaptainMaga) October 26, 2023

Free helicopter ride for you

— The People’s Cube (@ThePeoplesCube) October 27, 2023

I bet you were the greatest hall monitor in the history of your high school.

— Michael Suede (@MichaelSuede) October 26, 2023

Owning a vile, authoritarian leftist like Rollins on social media is well-deserved, no doubt. But it will take far more arduous work to keep him out of Congress because his fellow Democrats will pull out all the stops to ensure a victory.

The post Radical California Democrat Running for Congress in Critical Swing District BRAGS About Prosecuting January 6th Protesters and Gets Destroyed So Badly that He Limits Replies on His X/Twitter Account (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

