PUBS will stay open late for the King’s coronation in a boost for boozers as Brits are set to guzzle 62 million pints over the weekend.
Landlords won’t have to call last orders until 1am as a special extension to licencing rules to mark the occasion.
GettyPubs have been granted the ability to stay open until 1am across the coronation weekend in a boost for boozers[/caption]
Venues across England and Wales will be able to serve customers for an extra two hours between May 5 and May 7, it has been confirmed.
Home Office minister Chris Philp has signed off on the temporary changes so drinkers can raise an extra glass or two to His Majesty.
Mr Philp took to Twitter to share a snap of the documents confirming the change this morning.
He wrote: “Just signed an SI [Statutory Instrument] to allow extra celebratory pub opening hours for the coronation, as is traditional.”
The news was met with joy by former minister Lord Bethell, who replied: “One of the great joys of junior ministerial life is signing these sorts of SIs.”
It comes after Home Secretary Suella Braverman announced the move in March.
The move was backed by a leading body in the hospitality sector as well as 77 per cent of the public who took part in a month-long consultation.
Ms Braverman said: “His Majesty The King’s coronation will be a momentous occasion deserving of special celebration.
“That is why I am extending the licensing hours over this historic coronation weekend.
“Up and down the country, people can enjoy an extra pint or two in the evening while families and friends can come together to wish His Majesty The King a long and happy reign.”
Emma McClarkin, chief of the British Beer and Pub Association, said: “This is a timely boost for the pub industry.
“In the midst of an acutely challenging period, I am sure our pubs will look to mark this joyous occasion by hosting special events and parties as part of national celebrations.
“The announcement of extended opening hours will help us all to mark this important event.
“It is sure to be a time for community and celebration, and the great British pub is always right at the heart of both, so I would encourage everyone to head down to their local and raise a toast to His Majesty during the coronation weekend.”
The BBPA estimates that 62 million pints will be pulled across the bank holiday weekend, enabled by the extra hours.