Premier League team’s fans who are worst for leaving matches early revealed – where does your club rank?

MAN United fans are the Premier League’s worst for leaving matches before the final whistle, a poll found.

Arsenal supporters ranked second in the survey followed by those of Manchester City, then Tottenham Hotspur.

Times Newspapers LtdMan United fans are the worst for leaving matches before the final whistle[/caption]

Arsenal supporters ranked second in the survey

Almost one in four fans in total admitted leaving at least one game early last season — with “beating the traffic” the main reason.

Others claimed they did it for superstitious reasons — or they just didn’t like the stadium.

Man United also saw the longest stoppage time at the end of games, so their early leavers were most at risk of missing last-minute goals.

Of all the 1,300 fans surveyed, a third say they missed at least one goal by heading for the hills.

Asked what they thought of supporters who left early, 19 per cent thought they were wasting money.

Six per cent told Betfair’s survey that such action was “disgusting”.

Thousands of Arsenal fans were slammed for fleeing their Emirates stadium during a battering by Brighton last season that ended their title hopes.

The Gooners face a top of the early leavers table clash against Man United on Sunday.

