Plan your move after A-levels with our guide to university, apprenticeships & entry-level jobs

THERE could be almost 100,000 fewer top-grade A-level passes than last year when the results come out on Thursday.

Professor Alan Smithers, of the Centre for Education and Employment Research at the University of Buckingham, has predicted the huge change as grade-marking returns to pre-pandemic levels.

HandoutErin Purewal is studying for a degree apprenticeship with Jaguar Land Rover[/caption]

But whether you get amazing results or do not quite make the grade you hope for, you’ll still need to plan your next move.

Official figures from admissions body UCAS show almost 42 per cent of 18-year-olds are applying for university.

But the cost-of-living crisis has seen a spike in applications for higher technical courses, apprenticeships and jobs.

Higher Education minister Robert Halton said: “Thousands of young people will be looking forward to going off to university.

“But if you are still undecided, I encourage you to consider a degree apprenticeship or higher technical qualification.

“You get a great, high-skilled job, and on to the ladder of opportunity without the need to pay off student debt.”

To help you decide which route to take, here is a Sunemployment guide to your options . . . 

UNIVERSITY: Each university sets its own entry requirements but you will need A levels or equivalent qualifications.

If your grades mean you want to change your course or apply for a different university, use the clearing process at

DEGREE APPRENTICESHIPS: Get a degree without the debt.

Around a fifth of all apprenticeship courses now combine on-the-job learning with studying for a degree.

Courses range from law and engineering to health, science and creative industries.


STANDARD APPRENTICESHIPS: With more than 500 different jobs types available, apprenticeships offer qualifications ranging from Level 2, equivalent to a GCSE, to Level 5, the same as a foundation degree.


ENTRY-LEVEL JOBS: The traditional route into work is popular in sectors including hospitality, retail, travel and logistics.

Search at or apply directly to companies.

HIGHER TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS: HTQs are an alternative to apprenticeships or degrees.

They may suit you if you want a more practical, employer-led study programme.

There are more than 100 to choose from.

For details see

ERIN Purewal is studying for a degree apprenticeship with Jaguar Land Rover.

Erin, 20, from Coventry, currently works in data analytics for the Vehicle Programmes team.

She says: “Choosing a degree apprenticeship is the best decision I have made.

“In the last year, outside my work and degree, I have been invited to record a podcast about my experience as an apprentice, and attend and talk at career fairs, and was a finalist for a Women in Tech award in October.

“The opportunities are endless if you put yourself out there, and a degree apprenticeship is such a good avenue for this.”

Make the most of clearing

MORE than 33,000 students landed university places through clearing last year – but to make the most of the service, you need a plan.

Dr Jean-Marie Peron, an admissions tutor at Kingston University, London, and lecturer in organic and pharmaceutical chemistry, shares his tips . . . 

SuppliedDr Jean-Marie Peron shares his tips on university[/caption]

DO RESEARCH BEFORE RESULTS DAY: Scope out courses you are interested in and try not to focus on just one option. Keep an open mind.PHONE THE CLEARING HOTLINE EARLY: On results day, ensure you’re ready to call quickly, as lines get busy. You can call Kingston directly on 0800 0483 334.KEEP CALM AND FOCUS ON GETTING THE BEST OUTCOME: If you haven’t got quite the grades you were expecting, don’t panic. There are always options. Be open to working through what’s on offer and considering what’s best for you.HAVE YOUR DETAILS READY AND MAKE NOTES: Before calling, ensure you have your results and UCAS ID to hand, as well as any notes on the course you are applying for and questions you’d like to ask the university.BE PERSISTENT: The Clearing hotline can be busy, so if the line is engaged, don’t be put off. There are lots of call handlers and the hotline is open for extended hours.FIND A QUIET PLACE TO CALL: Find a spot where you feel comfortable and relaxed, have easy access to the internet and there are no distractions.


IF you don’t want to apply to university, and would rather get straight into the world of work, check out for jobs after A levels.

The pay-less path

PUT off by the cost of a degree?

Online provider learndirect has launched an affordable pathway course as an alternative.

Students can study the equivalent of year one and two of a degree online from home, with fees from £3.83 per day.

Once completed, learners will be guaranteed admission to a selected university to do their third year online for £5,000.

There are also options to study on campus. Courses include psychology, health and social care, accounting and finance, IT and law.

Group CEO Wayne Janse van Rensburg said: “Learners can achieve their degree without the burden of heavy debt or disruption to their daily lives.”

You can find out more at


DISCOVER which apprenticeships could suit your skills, at en-GB/young-adults.

Techie talent call

CREATE a bright future for yourself by tackling a tech apprenticeship with media giant WPP.

There are 15 places on the nine-month scheme from November.

Kat Sullivan is senior director of interaction design at WPPSupplied

You will work with clients including Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, Adobe and Epic Games and learn about coding, game engines, virtual production, future machines and generative AI.

Kat Sullivan, senior director of interaction design at WPP, said: “We encourage creatives from all walks of life to apply, whether they take photographs, design clothes, make music, develop video games or follow any other creative pursuit.

“No experience or formal qualification is required; we’re looking for people with raw creative talent who have a deep interest in technology.”

Apply now at people/careers/Creative-Tech- Apprenticeship.

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