Persecution and Violence Against Christians: Don’t Expect Protests  

By Anton-kurt – Own work, Public Domain,

International media and the European Parliament blamed climate change for the 2023 Christmas Massacre, which claimed the lives of 200 Nigerian Christians.

While Queers of Palestine and anti-Semitic protestors take to the streets around the US and Europe to support Hamas, Christian civilians are being killed, and the religion is being repressed at an accelerated rate across the globe. With the exception of four countries—North Korea, China, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka—most of the repression and violence against Christians occurs in Muslim-majority countries or at the hands of Islamic extremists.

Christian nations are broadly accepting of Muslims, but Muslim nations are increasingly intolerant of Christians. At the same time, formerly Christian nations are taking fewer steps to protect Christians at home and abroad.

Since 2020, violence against Christians has increased around the world. Last year, more than 5,000 Christians were killed in faith-related slayings, over 90% of which took place in Nigeria. The countries with the highest rates of overall persecution against Christians were North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Eritrea, and Yemen. The trend is toward greater repression of Christians, with the number of countries added to the Open Doors Watch List for Christian repression now standing at 78. It was only 55 two years ago.

The definition of persecution used by Open Doors is: “Any hostility experienced as a result of one’s identification with Christ. This can include hostile attitudes, words and actions towards Christians”. This broad definition includes (but is not limited to) restrictions, pressure, discrimination, opposition, disinformation, injustice, intimidation, mistreatment, marginalization, oppression, intolerance, infringement, violation, ostracism, hostilities, harassment, abuse, violence, ethnic cleansing and genocide.”

Both China and North Korea have an official Marxist-atheist political and social system. However, the constitutions of both the DPRK and PRC grant citizens freedom of religion; however, that religion must be free of foreign influence and must not undermine state security. Since Christianity originates from foreign countries, it is closely monitored and suppressed as a national security threat.

In both countries, a state Protestant church and a state Catholic church exist. However, the liturgy of both Christian denominations must be approved by the Communist Party and must incorporate party ideology. The Catholic Church is not allowed to communicate with the Vatican. The Communist Party appoints religious leaders, who must be loyal to the party. While the state-sanctioned churches exist, members may be excluded from rights and freedoms such as government jobs and promotions.

Those seeking to study the Bible or practice a brand of Christianity not infused with communist dogma meet in underground home-church congregations. These illegal religious gatherings are frequently raided, with the members and pastors being severely punished. Currently, hundreds of thousands of Christians are in prison, work camps, or undergoing reeducation in the two countries.

Twenty-six nations in Sub-Saharan Africa were found to have high levels of violence and repression against Christians, while 16 were ranked as “Extremely High.” This marks an increase from 13 countries a year prior. During 2024, there has been an escalation in violence, including a surge in attacks on churches, as well as Christian residences, schools, and businesses.

The conflict in Ethiopia has resulted in Christians being targeted, and their businesses are being looted and burned. The same is happening in the Central African Republic. A string of coups in the Sahel region of Africa, including Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, and Mauritania, has resulted in an increase in Islamic extremist violence. The anti-Western sentiments of coup leaders have crippled the ability of the United States and other Western nations to conduct counterterrorism operations.

As a result, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), a long-standing group with roots in Algeria, has expanded its reach into the Sahel. Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS), an affiliate of the Islamic State group, has gained notoriety for its brutal attacks. Other groups include the Macina Liberation Front (MLF) and Ansaroul Islam. These groups exploit local grievances and ethnic tensions to recruit fighters and spread their ideology.

It is important to note that extremist groups also target other Muslims; however, they have a categorical hatred of Christians. Al-Qaeda and Islamic State affiliates in the Sahel target violence against Christians, whom they see as infidels threatening their extremist vision. Extremist groups may target Christian communities to seize resources, intimidate the population, or force conversions.

In countries where Christians are a minority, extremists may see them as an easy target, particularly if the government and security forces turn a blind eye. Sadly, even in Europe and the U.S., violence and repression against Christians are rising. Christians are generally not protected under hate crime laws. Crimes and discrimination against Christians are rarely recognized as such, and the word “Christian” does not appear in most government publications about hate crimes, although “LGBTQ+” generally does.

The post Persecution and Violence Against Christians: Don’t Expect Protests   appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

