People have only just discovered a ‘magic hangover cure’ at their local pharmacy – but is it safe?

THERE is nothing quite like a hangover.

The thudding headache, hours of nausea and crippling anxiety is (almost) enough to put anyone off drinking full stop.

Solpadeine is renowned for its hangover-beating qualities – but is it safe?

But chances are you’ll be back at it again next weekend, in the very same self-pitying place as you were the week before.

For decades, scientist have been trying to create a drug which can beat the dreaded hangover.

But as of yet, they’ve had no such luck.

And while we wait for a magic pill to save us once and for all, many people have been experimenting with different available remedies from greasy fry-ups, to B vitamins and zinc.

But there’s one magic hangover bullet you can get from your local pharmacy today – and people swear by it.

Solpadeine, a codeine and caffeine infused paracetamol, is a crowd favourite among drinkers on Twitter.

One user wrote: “Solpadeine is the great hangover cure known to man.”

Another added: “I need Solpadeine…which is a miracle hangover cure”.

Someone else said: “The effectiveness of Solpadeine as a hangover cure surprises me every time.

They went on to refer to the soluble drink as “magical witch water”.

In fact it is so renowned for its hangover-beating qualities that it is even hailed on website as: “The absolute best cure by a country mile is Solpadeine.

“You will need this pill or else you don’t have a real hangover,” it reads.

The medicine, which you can purchase from your local pharmacy after a health check with a chemist, comes in both soluble and pill form.

Solpadeine is usually used to provide short-term relief of acute, moderate pain that is not relieved by other painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen alone, it say on its webiste.

Is Solpadeine a safe hangover cure?

West Yorkshire based NHS GP, Dr Sophie Newton warned against taking the drug to remedy a heavy night.

“It contains quite a lot of codeine, which is a strong painkiller with lots of side effects and the potential for developing dependency,” she told The Sun.

She added: “If you took the maximum dose of this medication, in one day you would consume nearly 120mg of codeine, this can cause drowsiness, feeling sick, constipation, confusion, headaches and dizziness.

“Certainly not what anyone would want with a hangover!”

Martin Preston, addictions expert and founder of private rehab clinic Delamere, said relying on products such as solpadeine for treating symptoms associated with a hangover could be a cause for concern.

“If people are using Solpadeine regularly to reduce the impact of a hangover on their body, it could lead to a rise in how often people are taking their binge drinking too far,” he said.

“Theoretically [taking Solpadeine] could be used to mask a deeper problem with their relationship with alcohol if they are able to disguise the tell-tale signs of a alcohol addiction from their loved ones or co-workers,” the expert added.

Other ways to sooth a hangover:

1. Rehydrate

Booze can make you expel up to four times as much water, which is why you always feel like a slug in a salt mine the morning after.

Make sure you drink lots of water before you go to sleep, but well, we all know how hard that is once you’ve knocked back a thousand tequilas and passed out on the front step.

GP Sarah Garsed at online health and wellness platform RWL says water is your best friend and will flush toxins out of your system.

Isotonic drinks can also give you an extra boost and replace lost fluids.

2. Snooze

Alcohol loves to rob us of good quality sleep.

This is because it inhibits the release of the sleep hormone melatonin, meaning it can be hard to get to sleep, difficult to have good quality sleep
and you may also find you wake up early unable to get back to sleep.

“Sleep is one of the most restorative things for a hangover so if you
need it, take a nap the following day” Dr Sarah added.

3. Drink herbal tea

As well as plenty of water, hot drinks can help revive your body and mind.

Ginger tea can help with nausea and milk thistle tea cleanses the liver, while hot water with honey and lemon boosts blood sugar.

4. Exercise if you can

Depending on how bad your hangover is, exercise might seem like the last thing you want to do, but it could be the best thing for you, Dr Sarah says.

After drinking a lot of your natural feel-good brain chemicals can be left significantly reduced, leaving you feeling low in energy and mood.

5. Eat something

If your hangover is particularly bad and you are struggling to stomach much food, try a cold orange juice to get yourself back to being match ready.

“Orange juice can have a acid-neutralising effect when it is metabolised by the body and delivers a big does of potassium which helps to rehydrate you and restore any lost minerals.

“Orange juice is also high in natural sugar, which can help bring that low blood sugar up and reduce feelings of nausea”, Dr Sarah said.

NHS guidelines on drinking alcohol

According to the NHS, regularly drinking more than 14 units of alcohol a week risks damaging your health.

To keep health risks from alcohol to a low level if you drink most weeks:

men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis 
spread your drinking over 3 or more days if you regularly drink as much as 14 units a week
if you want to cut down, try to have several drink-free days each week

If you’re pregnant or think you could become pregnant, the safest approach is not to drink alcohol at all to keep risks to your baby to a minimum.

You read more on the NHS website.

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