Penis size calculator: how to measure your penis

EVER wondered how you measure up compared to blokes across the rest of the country?

Well, penis size – and what’s normal and what isn’t – can be an awkward subject to bring up with your mates.

International Andrology The Average penis size in the UK[/caption]

But we have you covered, from how to go about correctly measuring your own tackle, to what average penis sizes are depending on where you live.

What is the average penis size in the UK?

No, it’s not 9 inches – don’t worry.

In fact, the average erect penis for men in the UK can range from 3.5in to 5.8in, according to Target Map.

However, research from men’s healthcare clinic, International Andrology London, had slightly different results.

They found the average penis length in the UK is 6.36in.

This may be because they asked 1,000 men to reveal their own size back in 2020.

International Andrology discovered the largest members are to be found in Wales, with the average penis in that region measuring 6.56in.

The location at the bottom of the table, with the smallest penises in the UK, was the East Midlands, which came in with an average of 6.11in.

How can I increase my penis size?

Research led by Dr Kevan Wylie, from the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield, previously found that 45 per cent of men are not satisfied with the size of their penis.

And while penis pumps may help individuals achieve an erection and maintain it for longer, medics tend to agree that those advertised specifically to lengthen the penis don’t work.

Some men resort to penis enlargement surgery, including penis implants, but surgery can be expensive and as with any surgery, there are risks involved and a chance of complications.

International Andrology charges between £7,000 and £15,000 for its surgical penis enlargement treatments.

Penis enlargement surgery is only available, according to Superdrug Online Doctor, via the NHS if you have a micro penis, measuring less 2.8in – or 7cm.

Many men believe that increasing the size of their penis will make them a better lover, but most people are with someone for qualities beyond the size of their todger.

And the chances are, your penis is already within the typical size range.

How can I measure my penis?

Still keen to see how you measure up? Here’s how – go grab yourself a tape measure.

First, position the measuring tape at the base of your erect penis, where it attaches to your body.Press into your pubic bone as far as you can, until you contact the bone. Measure from the base of your penis to the end of its tip.

Remember, penises come in all different shapes and sizes.

Men often worry about the size of their downstairs, when there’s usually no need to.

We’re all built very differently and that’s completely normal.

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