Pelosi Refused to Hand Over Communications Surrounding Jan. 6, Democrats Destroyed Evidence from Jan. 6 Committee, Refused to Call in National Guard, and Pelosi Hired Camera Crew to Follow Her That Day

Nancy Pelosi and her personal camera crew ready for filming on Jan. 6.

On Sunday President Donald Trump sat for an interview with Kristen Welker from NBC’s Meet the Press.

During the interview President Trump argued that “Nancy Pelosi is responsible for January 6th.”

President Trump: “Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security. She turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have had Jan. 6.”

Trump on Meet The Press: ‘If Pelosi Didn’t Turn Down Soldiers, There’s No Jan. 6’ [WATCH]

— ERIC BOLLING (@ericbolling) September 18, 2023

Of course, President Trump was right. And there is plenty of evidence to back him up.

President Trump asked for the National Guard three days in advance of January 6. Pelosi turned him down.

Pelosi refused to turn over information about her culpability in the security breakdown during the Jan. 6 riot for over a year to congressional investigators.

Steven A. Sund, the Capitol Police chief on that fateful day, not only confirms her culpability along with the rest of the Democratic leadership. Sund reported that Pelosi utilized him as a scapegoat and forced him to step down as Police chief. We all know now she was just trying to obfuscate her own responsibility for the attack.

House Republicans later found text and email evidence that Pelosi staffers secretly DECREASED security at the US Capitol on January 6.

This explosive story is spreading fast…

House GOP members found texts and emails from Pelosi staffers proving they forcefully decreased J6 security measures despite objections from Capitol Police and Sergeants at Arms

It was a setup and they got caught

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) December 30, 2022

Pelosi hired her daughter to film her that day as she traveled through the US Capitol.

Pelosi on Jan. 6 to Her Staged Camera Crew: “I Hope [Trump] Comes, I’m Going to Punch Him Out and I’m Going to Go to Jail and I’m Going to Be Happy”

The post Pelosi Refused to Hand Over Communications Surrounding Jan. 6, Democrats Destroyed Evidence from Jan. 6 Committee, Refused to Call in National Guard, and Pelosi Hired Camera Crew to Follow Her That Day appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

