Passenger reveals why boarding the plane last is better – and sparks fierce debate

A PASSENGER has claimed that it’s best to board a plane last – but not everyone agrees.

The flyer known online as ‘Accurate-Bluebird277’ went on Reddit to post their view and sparked a lively debate on the social media site.

GettySome passengers think it is best to be one of the last to board a flight (file image)[/caption]

They wrote: “Airplanes always advertise ‘priority boarding’ and first boarding but if you’re one of the first to board or middle boarding you have to get up a few times to let people in row or shuffle around for people who board after you and wait in line for your seat.

“Whereas if you’re last to board all you have to do is find your seat.”

The comment posted just two days ago has already triggered a lively debate with people detailing the pros and cons of such a move.

Numerous commentators backed the original poster.

One person wrote: “This is exactly what I do. I like watching everyone push and shove to be first on the plane.

“I then hit the head and walk on last, or nearly so. I always have a window seat, so one or two people need to get up to let me in.

“I put my carry-on stuff under the seat, buckle up and we are off. It’s relaxed and care-free.

“Yes, I check my luggage. I don’t mind a bit. When I’m on vacation, I’m on vacation time; low stress, happy to relax and wait.

“If I’m on business, I’m getting paid to wait for my luggage. For me it’s all about the mindset.”

While another posted: “I’m last on every time. Way more space while everyone else boards with less time being jammed up.

“Also I can see if there is an empty seat I prefer or even a full row and just sit there. I always have a bag that fits under the seat so storage is no issue.”

A third person said: “I’ve been saying this for years, the less time i can spend on that plane the better.

“People rush to get off but people take their sweet time getting on.”

Others though thought it was best to be one of the first to board.

A commentator wrote: “It’s the carry-on space that becomes the issue.

“I was once on a flight so overloaded that all the overhead bins were full, and I ended up having to jam my suitcase under the seat in front of me and hold my backpack on my lap.

“Having absolutely no legroom was a nightmare, luckily it was only an hour-long flight.”

That view was echoed by another who thought: “Not if you have a carry on.

“Almost every flight I’ve been on ran out of storage space and those boarding last had to check their carry-ons.

“I will not be checking anything and risking it getting lost and/or damaged.”

While a third said they liked to get on first so they could get organised for the flight: “I always book a window seat and I like being organised so I prefer to board first, organise my bags around me… put into my purse what I’ll want for the flight and put the rest under my seat.

“I also think I’m the only human in existence that hates putting things into overhead storage, I like having my stuff with me, so an extra 20 or 30 minutes to sort out what I’m going to read, pop a snack and drink into the seat holder and get myself comfy before the other seats are taken is a bonus for me.”

It’s not the first time the question over whether to board first or last is the best thing to do.

Earlier this year, frequent flyer Marlon Misra took to online forum Quora to share his tip.

He wrote: “If you’re traveling on an unpopular flight, select your seat as late as possible.

“This way you can choose a seat where the remaining row is free.

“I’ve had a lot of success doing this. A few times I had rows – three seats – completely empty which meant that I could lie almost flat on entire flights.”

Marlon also recommended that once you’ve chosen your seat and you know you’ve got the row to yourself, board the plane last.

He wrote: “Be the last person that boards. I’ve never understood why so many people rush to line up.”

Another frequent traveller, Lucas Chesterton, agreed with Marlon’s tip and said getting on last can help you get better seats.

In a video he shared on his Instagram account, he showed how he waits until the last call for boarding, before taking his pick of the remaining seats.

Frequent traveller Paul Ewart also explained why he prefers to board last rather than first.

He said: “You have an assigned seat, being first isn’t going to get you a better one, and the aircraft isn’t going anywhere without you — the umpteen loudspeaker calls chasing missing passengers are testimony to that.”

Travel TV host Samantha Brown, who is a mum of twins, said it is even better to board late when you are travelling with kids.

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