Parents celebrate first birthday of miracle baby born at 23 weeks and given just 10% chance of survival

A BABY weighing less than a loaf is now a year old — a birthday her parents feared would never come.

Tiny Isla was just 535g, or 1lb 3oz, when she was born at 23 weeks and was given a ten per cent chance of survival.

Isla was given only a ten per cent chance of survival after her birthSWNS

Mum Lauren recalls they nearly lost her several times – but the tot fought for her lifeSWNS

Isla was discharged just days after her original due date and is now happy and healthySWNS

She had a bleed on the brain and a hole in the heart but the courageous tot fought for her life.

After four months, Isla was allowed home to parents Lauren Ormston, 27, and Oliver Dewey, 32.

She now weighs a healthy 7kg and celebrated her first birthday this month.

Lauren, from Hartley Wintney, Hants, had a smooth pregnancy until she went to her local hospital with severe abdominal pains.

She was then rushed to St Peter’s in Chertsey, Surrey, to be induced.

Lauren recalls: “I could only cuddle Isla for six minutes before she was taken to a ventilator.

“She looked so small and fragile, like she’d snap at the slightest bit of movement.

“We didn’t think we’d see her first birthday or that she’d ever come home — there were so many times we nearly lost her in hospital.”

Isla, whose tiny nappies would have fitted a doll, was taken off the ventilator after six weeks.

She was discharged in July, just days after her original due date, and has thrived since.

Lauren said: “Looking at her now, you wouldn’t know she was premature — she’s defeated all the odds.

“She is amazing and we are so proud. Every day with her is a blessing.”

Lauren says every day spent with Isla is a blessingSWNS  Read More 
