Overindulged? I’m a nutritionist – here’s 4 ways to beat the Christmas bloat fast

CHRISTMAS is packed with food, wine and a general vibe that pigging out is allowed.

So if you’ve quite rightly stuffed your face this festive season, it’s only normal that you’ll end up feeling a little bit bloated.

If you feel as though you’ve gone from the light bulb on the left to the bauble on the right, then there are some things you can do to beat the bloat this festive seasonGetty

A recent survey conducted by Wild Dose found that 59 per cent of people think bloating and overeating are the worst things about Christmas.

This came up as the number one issue, beating family arguments, cooking and even bad gifts.

Christmas can really exacerbate digestive issues as we naturally overindulge.

Often foods that are high in fat and sugar are consumed – from all that cheese to many, many mince pies – leading to bloating.

Coupled with quite a bit of booze and this also causes inflammation.

But experts have said there are ways you can beat bloating and constipation, meaning you won’t feel as lethargic when Boxing Day comes around.

Speaking to The Sun, NHS GP Dr Ross Perry of Cosmedics said Christmas creates a ‘perfect storm’ for bloating.

He said: “The commonest cause of bloating are factors such as excessive eating, eating fatty foods, foods that produce gas, alcohol and carbonated drinks and an irregular diet that you wouldn’t normally have that may be a shock to the system.

“This can also cause an upset stomach, or constipation and a build-up of gas in the digestive system, which can lead to an irritable bowel-like condition.”

Lifesum nutritionist Signe Svanfeldt said bloating and constipation can often make you feel like your tummy is bigger than usual and can cause discomfort or even pain.

Here the experts tell us how you can beat bloating and constipation…


Government guidance states you should drink six to eight glasses of water to maintain a healthy diet, and Signe said this could also help with that uncomfortable feeling you get from eating too much.

She said: “Drinking plain water will help your stomach digest the food easier, and calm it down.

“Choose still water over sparkling, as sparkling water can disrupt the stomach further and cause bloating.”


While you might want to sit and vegetate in your Santa onesie all day, Signe said getting up and out for a brisk walk could be beneficial – making you feel less constipated and less bloated.

She said: “Getting some movement in your body will aid digestion and calm your stomach.

“Regular physical activity is overall beneficial to aid digestion.”


If you’re feeling uneasy and stuffed to the brim, Signe said you can try and massage your stomach from the left to the right to help ease digestion.


Dr Perry said another way to beat the bloat and constipation is to try balancing your diet with more fruit and vegetables.

Try having an extra portion of sprouts or a few more carrots with your Christmas dinner.


If it gets to the point where you’re in severe pain and have any associated vomiting, high temperature, or any rectal bleeding, then you should speak to your doctor.

Dr Perry said: “Any sort of prolonged or sustained irritable bowel-like symptoms, or happening more frequently outside of the excessive festive period, would also be worth checking with a doctor in case there is a food intolerance present.

“But if it’s simply down to general excess then most people know what the cause is and it’s time to moderate the diet and go back to sensible eating.”

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