Our little girl, 10, died after doctors missed her Strep A – don’t ignore these signs or your child could be next

HEARTBROKEN parents have spoken out after their daughter tragically died of an invasive Group A Strep infection four years ago.

They claim their little girl, Vivienne Murphy, would still be alive today if doctors had spotted signs of the deadly condition sooner.

Seán McCárthaighVivienne Murphy – Strep A inquest story Collect from Seán McCárthaigh[/caption]

It comes as cases of the bug are on the rise in the UK.

The 10-year-old first began suffering from a sore throat, a high temperature, a rash as well as aches and pains in February 2019, an inquest at Dublin District Coroner’s Court heard last week.

Vivienne’s mother, Lilly Murphy, said her family were “devastated, traumatised, shocked and overwhelmed and in disbelief” over her daughter’s death – after they were later told it could have been avoided as Strep A is curable with antibiotics.

In an emotional statement read at the inquest, Lilly described how her daughter was screaming every time she moved her head and how alarmed they were at discovering her chest covered in a red rash.

“We visited doctors three times with deteriorating symptoms and nothing was done to treat our daughter,” she said.

The first doctor, who examined Vivienne on February 14, assured the parents it was only heat rash and that she was probably also suffering from a virus, the Irish Mirror reported.

She told them to continue giving their daughter Nurofen and Calpol and use her inhalers.

However, Lilly said Vivienne’s condition remained the same over the next two days.

By February 16, Vivienne’s parents took to the doctor again after the rash had spread down her thighs and all over her upper body. She would only eat and drink when forced to do so.

But the doctors sent the 10-year-old home and told her parents contact their own GP after the weekend if she still had the same symptoms.

Just two days later Vivienne was unable to walk as the pain in her legs was so extreme, but the third GP they visited om February 18 also claimed it was “just a viral rash” and refused to prescribe the child any medicine.

The inquest heard there were medical notes which showed Vivienne had suffered similar symptoms a few years earlier that had been identified as Strep A for which she had been given an antibiotic.

Despite the advice of the three doctors, Lilly and he husband felt there was something more seriously wrong and brought Vivienne to the emergency department at Cork University Hospital on February 20, 2019.

The doctors quickly diagnosed the child with sepsis – the body’s extreme response to a life-threatening infection – and became increasingly worried about a black mark on her leg.

Blood tests later revealed Vivienne was critically ill and that the mark on her leg was a deadly flesh-eating bug – the entire leg would have to be amputated to stop an infection spreading to other parts of her body.

But the surgery was too late and the infection had already spread.

The inquest heard she suffered a cardiac arrest the following day in a scene which Lilly said resembled “a war zone with blood all over the bed and floor which will stick with us till the day we die.”

Days later, the parents were told Vivienne needed an MRI scan to determine how much brain damage she had suffered following the cardiac arrest.

Lilly said the family were later told the “devastating news that our beautiful little girl was totally brain dead and had no hope of recovery.”

After the decision to switch off Vivienne’s ventilator was taken, she said they would be scarred for all their lives by having “to witness our beautiful little angel gulp and gasp for 40 minutes.”

The corner, Cróna Gallagher, determined medical misadventure as the cause of death, which is an adverse reaction occurring as an unintended result of surgery or other medical treatment. 

The coroner also said they would include increasing awareness of signs of Strep A among medical professionals 

A post-mortem on the body of the girl established she had died from Group A streptococcal septicaemia with necrotising fasciitis (known colloquially as “flesh-eating disease”).

What is Strep A?

In most cases Strep A bacteria causes mild illnesses, but in rare cases it can trigger invasive Group Strep A disease.

Group A streptococcus (GAS) are a type of bacteria found in the throat and skin.

Invasive Group Strep A occurs if these bacteria get into the bloodstream or other areas where they shouldn’t be.

This can then lead to serious illnesses such as pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis.

At least 40 children have died from Strep A in the UK since January 2023.

In England there have been 32 casualties in children under the age of 18, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said.

The toll in England is the first official increase reported since January 12.

In Scotland, there have been three deaths in youngsters under the age of 10 and in Wales there have been five deaths in the under 15s, official figures show.

There are thought to have been three deaths in Northern Ireland, local reports state, however there is no official toll from the nation.

In the 2017 to 2018 season, there were 354 deaths in total, including 27 deaths in children under 18.

Sadly, so far this season, there have been 262 deaths across all age groups in England

What are the symptoms?

There are four key signs of invasive Group A Strep to watch out for, according to the NHS. These are:

A fever (meaning a high temperature above 38°C)Severe muscle achesLocalised muscle tendernessRedness at the site of a wound

The invasive version of the disease happens when the bacteria break through the body’s immune defences.

This can happen if you’re already feeling unwell or have an immune system that’s weakened.

Two of the most severe examples of invasive disease are necrotising fasciitis – a very rare but life-threatening infection also called ‘flesh-eating disease’ – and toxic shock syndrome.

Who is at risk?

Some people are at higher risk of contracting the invasive form. 

The NHS says those people include anyone who:

is in close contact with someone who already has itis over the age of 65is diabetichas heart disease or cancerhas recently had chickenpoxhas HIVuses some steroids or intravenous drugs

The time of year can also be a factor. Outbreaks can be rife in late winter and early spring, but the risk remains all year round.

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