Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs Reacts to News that Government Edited Video to Win Conviction in His Case – Please Help Kelly Fight This Lawlessness (AUDIO)

On Saturday Donna Fiducia and Don Neuen co-host Cowboy Logic on Real America’s Voice released evidence that the Biden DOJ edited footage from January 6 in order to convict innocent January 6 protesters and Oath Keepers members.

This is a very serious charge and Don and Donna provided all of the evidence on their show.

Don sent The Gateway Pundit this synopsis: During the Oath Keeper trials (all three trials), the issue of guarding Capitol Police Office Harry Dunn was a critical point.

The Oath Keepers correctly testified that they encountered Harry Dunn who was stressing out because he was alone and considerably outnumbered as the protesters made they way through the Capitol. Having noticed Harry Dunn (who was armed with an AR-15) was alone and stressed, the Oath Keepers tried to calm him down. They formed a semi-circle around him and faced away from him to prevent the crowd from encroaching on him. This was a truthful statement.

According to J6 defendant Kelly Meggs and other Oath Keepers, Officer Dunn’s testimony changed throughout the trial. His final testimony was that he felt threatened by the Oath Keepers. From the evidence we have gathered at The Gateway Pundit we believe Harry Dunn was not being honest during his testimony.  And there is now video to confirm this.

During their trials (OKI, OKII and OKIII), video footage provided by the prosecution was presented and given as “evidence” to the defense.  As Don and Donna and The Gateway Pundit reported on Saturday – This video footage was doctored by the federal government!

The video was from the Stephen Horn footage from J6. The Horn video is roughly 2 hours in length… Horn starts outside the capitol, then enters and then ends once again, outside.  Around the 55-minute timestamp, or around 48 minutes into the video file, Horn enters the Small House Rotunda where the Oath Keepers are guarding Office Dunn. The video that was provided as trial evidence mysteriously stops with a freeze frame seconds before Horn approaches the Oath Keepers.

The end result is that during the Oath Keeper trials, video footage that shows the Oath Keepers guarding Office Dunn, in a semi-circle facing away from Dunn, and speaking with protestors to diffuse anger or hostile actions toward Office Dunn, was never seen in court and could not substantiate their claim. It was edited out by the prosecution!

No Oath Keeper in trials 1, 2 or 3 ever saw this footage in trial!

Kelly Meggs and Jessica Watkins both called Don and Donna when they watched the show on June 17, 2023. They both stated that this was the first time they have ever seen this footage. They also speculated that this evidence had been altered or tampered with by the DOJ prosecution to prevent validating their claim that they protected Dunn.

It should be noted that the full Stephen Horn video is public domain and was easy to obtain.

Don and Donna sync’d up the video and lined it up. The first clip was a 9-10 second clip that actually lasted 48 seconds… this is the footage that stops just before reaching and eventally walking past the Oath Keepers…

The second, and longest clip that was shown in court was about 3 minutes, 36 seconds long… But this video starts up about 3 minutes AFTER Horn passes the Oath Keepers around Officer Dunn… Horn returns to the Small House Rotunda during this clip, and a few members of the crowd are harrassing either Dunn or another officer(s) by chanting “Bully with a Badge”, but the Oath Keepers are not present.

The Oath Keepers never saw the footage of themselves guarding Dunn in the small house rotunda during their trial because it was illegally edited out!  They were told it was “damaged video” or a “camera malfunction”… It was NOT.

Don and Donna caught the Biden Department of Justice once again altering footage from January 6th that was presented at trial in order to incriminate innocent Americans.

** Please donate to Kelly Meggs here – a victim of government deceit.

Over the weekend The Gateway Pundit interviewed Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs.  Kelly was found guilty be a DC kangaroo court after the federal government altered the evidence in order to win a conviction.  At one time in American history this was viewed as criminal conduct.

Kelly Meggs told us more about the ‘missing’ footage. The government lied to Kelly and the Oath Keepers.

Kelly Meggs: I noticed this and I’ve asked multiple times, we have to get the Steven Horn video, we have to find the original, we have to find out what happened to it. And they’re like, no, that’s all there is. This is the only copy of it. This is it. So I’m like, okay, I guess that is what it is. The entire portion of us helping Harry Dunn is not there. So it was our word against his word.

Officer Harry Dunn continued to change his story until the government got what they wanted.

Kelly Meggs: And in court on his 1st 302 (government interview), the first time he got interviewed by the FBI, he acknowledged that we helped him. He said, hey, these guys came and I let them stand in front of me and they created a barrier between me and the crowd… The second time he was like, well, I didn’t tell him they could stand there, they just did. I didn’t need any help… Then the third time it was ‘they were yelling at me.’ So he changed his story as the 302s continued and his book deals got better.

The government edited the footage.

Jim Hoft: That’s really big. So the government manipulated the evidence in your case, is that correct?

Kelly Meggs: Well, I can’t prove that they did it. I can prove that someone did it.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier – This is not the first time the Biden DOJ edited video in order to win a conviction. Cara Castronuova wrote earlier about the DOJ doing the same thing with the Proud Boys case weeks earlier.

This is complete lawlessness by the Biden DOJ. This cannot stand!

** Please donate to Kelly Meggs here – a victim of government deceit.

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