Newsom Celebrates EPA’s Decision to Grant California a Waiver to Ban Diesel Trucks

Governor Gavin Newsom (D) celebrated the EPA’s decision to grant California a waiver to ban diesel trucks.

Last year it was reported the Marxists on the California Air Resources Board were looking to ban all gas and diesel trucks.

The board boasted about being the first to adopt a rule requiring truck manufacturers to transition from diesel to electric beginning in 2024.

It is unclear how California will charge all of these vehicles when they can’t even keep the lights on during heatwaves and days with gusty winds.

There is no infrastructure to support this plan.

And what about the logistics? How will trucks be able to stick to their routes when there aren’t enough charging stations?

“Many California neighborhoods, especially Black and Brown, low-income and vulnerable communities, live, work, play and attend schools adjacent to the ports, railyards, distribution centers, and freight corridors and experience the heaviest truck traffic,” the California Air Resources Board wrote.

“This new rule directly addresses disproportionate risks and health and pollution burdens affecting these communities and puts California on the path for an all zero-emission short-haul drayage fleet in ports and railyards by 2035, and zero-emission “last-mile” delivery trucks and vans by 2040.” the board added.

Biden’s EPA is going to approve California’s new rules.

“The EPA plans to grant California a waiver that will allow the state to phase out diesel-powered trucks, helping communities burdened by truck pollution.,” The Washington Post reported on Monday.

The Biden Regime’s decision to approve California’s new rules on diesel trucks may spread nationwide (like a cancer).

“The Biden administration will approve new California rules to cut tailpipe pollution and phase out sales of diesel-burning trucks, according to three people briefed on the plans, a move that could jump-start the nation’s transition to electric-powered trucks and help communities harmed by diesel pollution.” the paper reported.

Newsom celebrated the tyranny.

“Trucks shouldn’t give our kids asthma. Make wildfires worse. Or melt glaciers.” Newsom said.

Heavy-duty trucks account for nearly a third of harmful air pollutants.

We need bold action.

CA will once again lead the way –phasing out the use of diesel-powered trucks.

Trucks shouldn’t give our kids asthma.

Make wildfires worse.

Or melt glaciers.

— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) March 20, 2023

The post Newsom Celebrates EPA’s Decision to Grant California a Waiver to Ban Diesel Trucks appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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