New poem scientifically engineered to boost your mood revealed – does it work for you?

A NEW poem scientifically engineered to boost mood and compel people to be more active has been unveiled – but does it work on you?

Bestselling poet, Charly Cox, created the composition using more than 40,000 submissions from the general public, who were invited to share words which inspire them to get moving.

GettyThe campaign followed 37,000 adults across the world[/caption]

The lyrics were then pieced together and subsequently recorded over an instrumental track written by DJ and music producer Brian d’Souza, also known as Auntie Flo.

And crucially the music was set to a frequency of 111 Hz which has been proven to help human bodies produce endorphins, elevating mood and improving ability to focus.

In addition to being recorded at what is sometimes described as the ‘divine frequency’, the music track uses very particular chord progressions – like C Major to G Major – to create a mood boosting response among listeners.

ASICS has partnered with Charly Cox and Auntie Flo to create the spoken word poem to inspire more people to move for their mental wellbeing.

The campaign follows a study of 37,000 adults across the world which scored them on their mental wellbeing.

Participants rated themselves on 10 emotional and cognitive metrics, including composure, resilience, positivity, contentment, relaxation, confidence, alertness, calmness, focus, and energy.

But they averaged just 62 out of 100 in the annual “State of Mind” of study.

Although it’s proven exercise can improve mental wellbeing, with the study finding just 15 minutes and nine seconds of movement is enough to have a positive impact in your mind.

Talking about her collaboration with the sports brand, British poet and mental health campaigner Charly Cox, said: “Mental illness can be debilitating. The poetic irony that movement helps is so often a kind suggestion from a well friend that you just want to shout at and ignore – I’ve been that person.

“Gentle movement has helped stave off some of my worst episodes and keeps me mentally and physically in a much better place.

“I really hope this track inspires people to try. Just try. When life feels like a marathon what’s the point in sprinting? Find pride and joy in moving to feel better not to be better.”

Out of the slump

A separate study of 2,000 adults found on average, respondents were typically active four days a week.

But nine per cent admitted they were not physically active for a single day of that week.

In that time period, the average adult only felt totally full of energy five times and felt lethargic and sluggish four times.

The main motivators for people to be physically active are for their fitness levels (64 per cent), while 48 per cent wanted to improve mental health.

Listening to music was the top way people get themselves motivated to move (33 per cent), followed by pursuing activities that aren’t overly sporty – like gardening (31 per cent).


1.           Listening to music

2.           Pursuing activities which aren’t overly sporty e.g. gardening

3.           Setting targets

4.           Exercising with friends

5.           Rewarding myself

6.           Committing to an exercise class in advance

7.           Leaving sports equipment laid out and ready to go

While 28 per cent find setting targets to hit really helps them, and 20 per cent opt to work out with friends to keep them on the path to success.

But blockers to motivation include feeling self-conscious when exercising (28 per cent), the cost of facilities (24 per cent) and fear of injury (16 per cent).

Throughout the month of June, every time the mood boosting poem ‘Nothing Feels Better’ is streamed on Spotify, £5 will be raised for the mental health charity Mind.

Music psychologist, Victoria Williamson speaking on behalf of ASICS, which has partnered with Mind since 2021 to promote mental health awareness, added: “The relationship between music and the brain is fascinating.

“Using sounds, chords and frequencies, you can increase blood flow in regions of the brain that stimulate different emotions.

“The techniques Auntie Flo has used are designed to activate the prefrontal cortex and amygdala brain areas which influence how we feel and can spark feelings of energy and motivation.

“Whether it’s a walk, run or session at the gym, listening to this song at the start of your workout should hopefully inspire you to literally get moving.”

GettyBlockers to motivation include feeling self conscious during exercise[/caption]

Nothing Feels Better Poem

I know it can feel gloomy in here

I’ve noticed

How fast things can be going fine

And then just stop working

The overwhelm, the sleepy sludge

Fighting off the thought of just for a day

Giving up

Screaming give me a break

Why can’t waking up be enough

Breaking up with faking thoughts of

Everything is fine thanks

Because it’s not

My stillness swells into heaviness

How do I build in this unfriendliness

This space I can’t put words to

I want to learn to

Being human is tough

I need time to show myself some love

I want to shake my body until it releases

Tiny voices

That sing

Songs my head can shake off

And splash passion

As I watch the distance I’ve come get closer

I don’t plan on sprinting over the finish line

I want to get to know her

I want to bathe in the commotion

I want to become the very notion

Of a transformation

I am every ounce, stretch and bounce of feeling

I am the crowd of my mind’s elation

I am something incredible

I am human nature nurturing my soul

I am the goal, uplifted

Showing myself with every minute

That what I never thought possible

Even this morning

Will keep on shifting

With the bass thump of my heart

With the pace of my feet

When all of this meets

In my mind

Nothing feels better

Than moving

Than this brilliance

Than this valiant and spirited awakening

Than this healthy, empowered, committed


Nothing feels better

Than my body lifting my mind

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