TOURISTS can now recreate an iconic 1930s image of skyscraper construction workers on a girder 850ft above the ground.
A new attraction at New York’s Rockefeller Center suspends visitors above the skyscraper’s 69th floor to give them panoramic views of the city.
A new attraction dubbed ‘The Beam’ suspends viewers above the 69th floor of New York’s Rockefeller Center to give them panoramic views of the Big AppleAP
It is inspired by the famous 1932 black and white photographCorbis
Dubbed The Beam, the ride lifts guests 12ft above the top deck and spins them through 180 degrees.
Tishman Speyer, who manages the building, said: “We’re looking to tell the story of Rockefeller Center in a new way that will bring people back to discover what it symbolises.”
It added that the building was “a beacon in the city, a place with incredible history.”
And it continued, stating that the Rockefeller Center could provide “a beautiful and unique perspective on this city.”
The Beam is inspired by a famous 1932 black and white photograph.
The historic snap captured 11 ironworkers on their lunch break suspended above the Big Apple on a steel beam.
The photo op costs £27 and is open until January 31.