NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the “Drop and Roll” Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden

It’s been over two years since Joe Biden was declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election after several days of extra counting.

On November 18, 2020, The Gateway Pundit first posted the impossible numbers that swung the election to Old Joe.

We called this phenomenon the “Drop and Roll.”

This has NEVER been explained by any election expert because they can’t explain it without raising the likely possibility of fraud.

In the last ten days The Gateway Pundit published several reports on how the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump.

The numbers don’t lie.
The election was stolen.

in November 2020 TGP put our findings in an easy to follow video.

We hope you enjoy this.
Please pass it on!

Here is the video on Rumble…

And here is the video on YouTube — although people are having trouble seeing it for some reason.

The information for this video can be found at The Gateway Pundit.

Please pass this on!

The post NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the “Drop and Roll” Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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