Netanyahu Proclaims “Israel is a Sovereign Country” After Biden Regime Is Accused of Sponsoring VIOLENT INSURRECTION This Week

The Biden Regime continues to interfere in Israeli domestic politics, supporting radical, violent leftists,  seeking to prevent judicial reform, and foster a coup.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the judicial reform legislation would be frozen to allow for negotiations.

Thousands of radical leftist insurrectionists  rioted in Israel this week, seeking to stop judicial reform to rein in the out-of-control leftist supreme court. 15 insurrectionists tied themselves to the entrance of the Knesset in Jerusalem Thursday morning.

In Tel Aviv, left-wing protestors attacked police barriers on Monday, while in Jerusalem, police clashed with left-wing demonstrators, who attempted to storm the Prime Minister’s Residence and broke through protective barriers. Police were forced to use water canons against the Biden-supported insurrectionists.

A haredi couple who were driving through Tel Aviv on Sunday night found themselves in the midst of an anti-judicial reform demonstration. The demonstrators surrounded the car and proceeded to attack them, lynching the husband, Israel National News reported. “They banged on the car and shouted curses at us. There was no option to drive in reverse, and my husband stopped when he saw that the protesters were blocking the road. When he stopped, they surrounded us again, banged on the car, and tried to break the windows”, the woman recalls. “The whole time I was screaming so people would see that we were just a lost couple and not someone who wants to cause harm,” she states. “My husband said he’ll open the door so they won’t break the window. We didn’t do anything. What do you want? They began beating him up. They got into the back of the car since the back seat was folded down. They beat him, I saw the blood, and he told me, ‘take me to the hospital. I can’t see out of this eye, and I’m going to faint.’ I cried. I asked them to let us go, and they just continued.”

“A small group of anarchists and power-elites held the entire country hostage, shutting down airports, hospitals, and malls. Chain stores shuttered their gates. Unions went on strike, and the economy and security of the nation hung in the balance”, Jewish Press wrote.

The Truth From the Pro-Democracy Pro-Judicial Reform Rally in Jerusalem

Over a hundred thousand patriots demonstrated against the leftist coup outside the Knesset in Jerusalem Monday evening, Israel National News reported, calling on the government to stand firm in passing the reforms and not to freeze the legislation.

US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed US President Joe Biden and accused him of funding the anti-government protests in Israel.  “Utterly disgraceful. Biden gleefully hosts anti-American radicals like Lula, while shunning close American allies like Netanyahu,” Cruz tweeted Wednesday. “It’s clear that Biden and his officials are high from funding what they believe to be successful anti-government protests in Israel.”

“Like many strong supporters of Israel, I’m very concerned,” President Biden told the press Tuesday. “I’m concerned that they get this straight: They cannot continue down this road. And I sort of made that clear. Hopefully, the prime minister will act in a way that he can try to work out some genuine compromise, but that remains to be seen.” Biden said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not be invited to the White House in the near future, and urged him to drop his plan to stop leftist activist judges and restore democracy in Israel.

“Israel is a sovereign country which makes its decisions by the will of its people and not based on pressures from abroad, including from the best of friends“, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted.

“Israel is not another star on the American flag”, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said. Ben-Gvir agreed to a compromise to postpone judicial reform in exchange for forming a National Guard to deal with the violent insurrectionists. Former Israel Police chief Moshe Karadi said Ben Gvir would be forming “a private militia for his political needs” and would “recruit the (rightwing) Hilltop Youth” to its ranks.

Israeli Minister of Culture and Sport Miki Zohar deleted a tweet accusing Biden of being a victim of “fake news” about the judicial reforms.  “It breaks my heart to see how much damage has been done to Israel from all the fake news that has been spread in connection with our justified legal reform,” Zohar wrote after the deletion on Tuesday.

Speaking at Soros-funded Chatham House March 27, radical leader Ehud Barak described the leftist plans for “regime change using the legal tools of democracy”:

תראו מה זה, לפני יומיים, גנרליסימו ברק סיפר שהכל היה מתוכנן מראש על פי ספר מתכונים למרד שכתבו שני פרופסורים באונ’ קולומביה.

— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) March 29, 2023

Analyst J Michael Waller, who tweeted the excerpt, noted that “the same people have been trying to do this in the United States, using legal mechanisms and mob action. They will not stop.”

“It’s time to call out the hypocrisy of demanding the Right negotiate, only to refuse to come to the table while trying to impose anti-democratic preconditions”, Jewish Press wrote on Tuesday. “Thanks to Bibi’s leadership, the anarchists are now on the defensive. Their indefensible actions yesterday infuriated and scared every sane person in the country. Their hostage-taking was a wake-up call for the need for even broader and deeper reforms. Moreover, yesterday’s massive demonstration of public support for the reforms was undeniable.”

Over 2,000 police officers will be stationed tomorrow (Friday) in Jerusalem, in preparation for the prayers on the second Friday of the month of Ramadan.

The post Netanyahu Proclaims “Israel is a Sovereign Country” After Biden Regime Is Accused of Sponsoring VIOLENT INSURRECTION This Week appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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