NEARLY 100 unlucky men have won compensation from the NHS after losing a testicle over doctors’ blunders.
Most of the 98 cases involved a delay in diagnosing a testicular illness.
Scores of men have had testicles removed due to blunders from NHS doctorsGetty
But a handful had the wrong one removed because of surgical admin errors.
Doctors then had to operate again to remove the other one once the mistake was discovered.
Health chiefs paid out a total of £2.3million at an average of £23,000 per error in the past five years.
Switalskis Solicitors boss John McQuator told The Sun: “The amounts don’t just reflect the lifelong effects but also things like loss of earnings, the age of the patient and their family life.
“If a patient has to be operated on twice it means they will need even more time off work, so the compensation fee takes that into account as well.
“Often no amount of money can make up for what they go through.”
Prosthetic testicles, made from a firm silicone and rubber mesh, cost around £2,500 and can be stitched into an affected scrotum.
The figures come from NHS Resolution, the body which reaches settlements with patients.
We previously revealed it had paid £93million last year to the families of Brits who died following hospital and GP flops.
A Department of Health spokesman said: “The NHS delivers more than 11.5 million procedures a year — with unintended incidents making up a very small proportion.”