Mystic Meg reveals what the stars have in store for your love and sex life in 2024


Mystic Meg’s 2024 Love & Sex stars with Maggie Innes.

Find out what the year ahead has in store when it comes to romance.

Find out what 2024 has in store when it comes to your sex and love life


MAR 21 – APR 20

Venus transforms thoughts into words, while Mars guides you to bold new fantasy frontiers, and Pluto’s generational shift opens closed hearts.

SINGLE Potential connections ping all year, but prime soulmate season is March to May, and new contacts around your birthday are meaningful.

This year sees a crucial mindset change towards a deeper understanding of yourself.

Media roles, unique haircuts and a work do in early August, plus a “V” trip in mid-October, can all herald love.

SETTLING DOWN The path to settled happiness can be straightforward, and a deep inner dream can be shared in mid-March, while May to July scores high for changes of address.

A journey for two turns into one for three around Halloween.

STAYING STRONG Current Aries couples set new goals in January and nail them by November.

A summer to savour kicks off in April, with new levels of fun balanced by closeness and contentment.

SEX SECRETS Boundary-breaking Mars is your planet leader and teacher, and physically this fires up 2024.

You start with unexpected adventure through January, then turn sexy fantasies with a celebrity twist into realities in March and April.

June smashes all-night-session records, and Pluto’s power ignites desire between friends.

HOT DATES January 25, March 11, May 23, October 17 and November 4, plus a wedding in February, a return journey in June and a three-times-delayed event in September.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Thanks to Venus, this year promises to be an unforgettable one for goal setting and getting, and the attraction power of Mars amps up the passion.

SINGLE You start the year with a spiritual awakening and a total switch in love tactics.

By April, you’ll be dating on a hot new level.

Mid-June introduces a face you may not notice at first – until it pops back up in October.

Flings and flirty fun make August sizzle, while October birthdays, tech jobs and flower tattoos are key love clues. 

SETTLING DOWN This year’s Valentine’s can include a question you don’t expect – but the answer will come by Christmas.

A June journey usually made by one partner can work for two, and September is a great month for bonding on new levels.

Caring gestures and extra time together mean much more than gifts.

STAYING STRONG Even long-lasting Taurus couples get a new lease of love in 2024, as Jupiter encourages more space and fewer demands.

March builds respect, June is prime honesty time and two-way November learning ups romance risk-taking.

SEX SECRETS Start ticking off a wish list of love locations in 2024, with a chart Mars-rich in creativity and cheekiness.

Outdoor trysts and instant attraction make May stand out.

Pluto’s physical magnetism upgrades Taurus confidence to ask for pleasure.

HOT DATES February 24, May 8, August 4, November 15, plus a “G” family anniversary and the birthday of your newest workmate.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

For Gemini, 2024 passion blends Pluto devil-may-care with Mars’ try-anything confidence, and the generous, glow-giving arrival of Jupiter in your sign.

SINGLE From January to May, solo Geminis live the love dream and try out new ways of meeting and matching.

When Jupiter enters your sign on May 25, joining Venus, you know who you want and how to get them.

A summer seaside trip makes a big passion splash – September’s romance rating is off the scale.

SETTLING DOWN Lots of talk about the future translates to a key action around March 10.

Writing or reading together takes things forward in July, with a life-changing date decided for August.

Disrupter planet Pluto shuts down playing it safe in January, and by November 19 you’ll know why.

STAYING STRONG Venus kicks off 2024 in your togetherness zone, and is back there in October.

Love will survive and thrive, so don’t be scared to experiment! “B” celebrations heat up May and September.   

SEX SECRETS For the first six weeks of 2024, Mars recalibrates connections to be deeper and more sensual.

Dark eyes promise a lot in May, and you’ll read the desire between dull work lines in July.

From June, the freedom of Jupiter liberates heart, mind and body to revel in new levels of bliss.

December 6 brings a tantalising striptease…   

HOT DATES Eclipse-tastic March 25, June 22, July 21, September 1, December 30, plus a marriage celebration and “T” days in August.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Saturn solidifies very different dreams, Venus turns hard-to-get into happily-ever-after, and Jupiter brings the passion party and some special guests. 

SINGLE A January reset of your “type” criteria can reap rewards all year.

A lingering love is gone for good by April 5, and you can plunge into a cool pool of potential partners.

Mid-June presents a choice between daring and caring, while a flirty Leo tickles your heart in autumn.

February birthdays, travel jobs and classic cars are all love clues.

SETTLING DOWN This is a take-charge year, as Saturn helps you express what you need and how to get it.

But you must stop sitting on the commitment fence! Double full moons in your chart on June 22 and July 21 make for a summer of revamped promises.

Pluto’s new 20-year position looks into the future and refuses to compromise. 

STAYING STRONG Jupiter’s dreams come alive between long-term couples.

You know what you need to say, and May until October is the time to say it.

A family-based choice can be reversed around September 1. 

SEX SECRETS Mars’ sensual sizzle starts low-key, but builds all year – you are top of a sexy wish list by April 30.

What happens next is up to you, but keep your energy up!

Your sense of smell is your secret weapon – in July and August, blindfold games and after-dark encounters prove it.   

HOT DATES February 13, April 23, June 29, October 2’s solar eclipse, November 15, plus a hair appointment in summer and a swapped ticket in autumn.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

You can decode feelings with Saturn’s help, while Venus doubles up romance and commitment, and Pluto invites you into unusual wedding territory.

SINGLE With steady Saturn guiding your instincts and impulses, you see through shallow love.

A co-worker with a colourful past makes life interesting in January, while in March and April you can learn so much from an Aries – in and out of bed.

May brings success in a new dating platform.

SETTLING DOWN A shared meal in February reveals two hearts feel the same.

Your switched-on communication chart makes September sing with connections.

You realise a lasting bond doesn’t need to tread a traditional path, and can mark this with a unique celebration in November.

Your year ends with three announcements. 

STAYING STRONG Jupiter’s influence on long-lasting love means that from May 25, it’s easier to rebuild any feelings damaged by needless conflict.

Pluto is heading for your marriage zone to help you live and love in ways that may be unusual, but work for you. 

SEX SECRETS Fiery Mars starts your year with a bang – with three lovers in your thrall.

Being more real, instead of putting on a Leo act, deepens connections.

Outdoor loving, from fields and festivals to balmy beaches, reinforces summer heat. 

HOT DATES January 25, February 9, August 19, October 6, November 28, plus an event where you stand in for a friend and a work training course.


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

A summer full moon of fulfilment, Mars heat close to home and the fun-loving influence of Jupiter make Virgo the love star of 2024.

SINGLE This year can mean letting stale dreams go, and finding a love groove that’s a more thrilling fit.

Venus builds stability in the spring, and on-off bonds can settle into something strong by March 11.

By the summer, two full moons in your pleasure-seeking sector find you making your own love rules.

Autumn sees you falling hard for a mysterious “J” stranger. 

SETTLING DOWN Your chart has a lot of movement in the first half of the year, as Jupiter samples different styles of togetherness.

A passion prize can take many forms, but you’ll recognise the one for you.

Saturn’s strength increases fidelity, but weaves in fun, too.

After November 15, a second go with an ex is a huge surprise. 

STAYING STRONG Long-time love may be dialled down by time apart, so your passion lesson is to concentrate 100% on each other.

By mid-March, you’ll feel the change, and when Venus enters your sign in August, you’ll make a couple’s decision.

SEX SECRETS Sensual comforts enhance your love life, as Mars builds trust into lust.

When you can relax, you’ll reach top-level bliss.

Games of master and servant get your pulse racing in June, and you can’t resist a Sagittarius in September.

HOT DATES January 6, April 23, September 3 and 18, December 5, plus a reunion of former school or workmates. 


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

The innovative independence of Uranus, Jupiter’s easy way with words, plus the passion push power of Pluto, all make Libra 2024’s hottest prospect.

SINGLE Attraction instincts rule as Uranus unearths your hidden self, ending a time of pretending to be someone else.

In April, you approach a crush you’ve admired from afar.

In May and June, you can have anyone you want, but have eyes only for a reserved Aquarius.

September is your strongest dating month, and by Christmas you’ll receive a heart-shaped message. 

SETTLING DOWN Tackling practical issues that impact on passion plans works well with Jupiter as your love coach.

By June, a couple can be connected in ways that keep the flame alive and build a brilliant future.

Mars gives you a stronger line on trust in March, and Venus ends your year with a corker of a commitment twist. 

STAYING STRONG As Pluto heads for your romance zone, you can experience disruption in existing love – but in positive, future-forward ways.

Let yourself roll with change, instead of resisting it, to bring back the spice and spontaneity in long-term love.

You have so much to give in spring, but come autumn, be ready to receive.  

SEX SECRETS Nerve-tingling whispers set up sensational sessions in January, and by mid-February you have Mars energy to burn – no one can match your sexual appetite.

You’ll be in an adventurous mood in summer, especially during daylight hours.

September and October crown you the most confident lover in the zodiac.

HOT DATES March 24, June 29, August 31, November 11 and December 22, plus a birthday shared by three people.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

Venus bookends your year with strong security vibes, while the moon turns hopes towards reality and Mars revamps passion.

SINGLE You’re an enigmatic lover, but in 2024 you seek simple pleasures and get back in touch with your trusting side.

Take a “K” connection slow in February – only get physical when minds click.

The double moon in June and July helps you say it as you see it, Venus hits its Scorpio love stride in August, and from September 22 you sense someone’s special before they speak.

SETTLING DOWN Venus starts and ends your year with discussions, combining two very different outlooks into one.

Christmas can include several snippets of sensational love news, but your best marriage month is May, and helping with another couple’s celebrations can be the key.

A new love direction map pinpoints “W” locations.  

STAYING STRONG Long-term plans may feel upended by unpredictable Pluto in your security sector, but you can grow to adore the edge this adds to romance.

Partners share thrills and spills, and you grow closer by supporting each other.

Uranus updates promises to feel less fixed and more fluid.

SEX SECRETS Resetting ground rules for fun in January enables passion playtime the rest of the year.

You let go more than ever before in 2024 – teasing and tying up make summer joyful, October is your big O month, and a naughty Christmas gift proves just how enticing you are.

HOT DATES March 10 and 11, April 25, July 27, September 18 and December 1, plus your favourite day of the week and your mother’s birthday month.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Jupiter settles in your life celebrations chart and the moon shines bright on love at first sight.

Venus visits your sign twice to double passion potential.

SINGLE The year begins with Venus in Sagittarius and the next three weeks can change your life.

Venus enters your risk-taking zone on April 5, followed by a solar eclipse on April 8.

After October 17, your heart makes a forever choice – even if your head takes a while to catch up! Transatlantic careers and a large family identify destiny dates.

SETTLING DOWN Venus’ double visit can make a good connection great, but Sagittarius’ secret in 2024 is not to rush, so have fun learning about each other and yourself.

Mid-February promises intense questions and answers.

By May 23, your full moon suggests you’ll be ready.

Come winter, temptation just strengthens trust.

STAYING STRONG You’re not scared of anything, as zodiac rule-breaker Pluto rules your communication chart for the next 20 years.

But however far you may have travelled down one love road, you can still try another, together.

Two full moons in your values chart in June and July suggest a richly romantic summer. 

SEX SECRETS Make sure your New Year’s resolutions include sexy promises to yourself.

May finds you at your most creative.

Warm water – from tropical seas to steamy showers – brings hot moments in July, while in September and October, no one can match your sexual intensity.  

HOT DATES January 31, May 22, July 20, September 23 and November 2, plus a royal wedding anniversary, and the day a lost object was returned to you.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

Passion grows from selfish to sharing, personal moon charisma multiplies your dating potential, and your Mars sexual charge is unstoppable.

SINGLE Breaking with your dating past is your 2024 theme, so from January to March, give everyone a chance.

Full moons in Capricorn in June and July suggest a lover who shares so much with you, from their initials to their job.

Romance revs up over the August bank holiday, and by November you face a tantalising choice. 

SETTLING DOWN You’re a perfectionist, but this year you learn to adapt instead of moving on.

Pluto helps you value what works and change what doesn’t.

The end of January and middle of June are love light-bulb moments; in between, your emotional bounce-back ability strengthens.

Jupiter highlights shared creative activities in spring as brilliant couple-builders. 

STAYING STRONG Ripping up routine and going with the passion flow shows the influence of wild card Uranus on your romance chart.

Getting up or going to bed on a totally new timetable, plus spending time apart and trying new ways to connect will be part of your year ahead.

Venus identifies early May and mid-November as your most tender times.

SEX SECRETS From the first minute of 2024, you sense a new sexual freedom and energy building in you.

Mars increases body confidence, as you liberate the passion you’ve always kept under tight control.

Business turns to pleasure in May, while a skin-tight suit makes you scream at Halloween!

HOT DATES January 4 and 23, March 18, June 22, September 6, and December 11, plus days that include “S”.


JAN 21 – FEB 18

Your 2024 shines bright as you are able to let loose with party planet Jupiter, build up loyalty with Saturn and find love with Venus.

SINGLE It’s a year of two halves for available Aquarius.

January to June sees you date with an analytical eye and cool heart – and a bookworm Cancer leads the field.

But later in the year, Jupiter’s free spirit spins into your infatuations zone, so you dive into dates that are creative, maybe even chaotic.

Around September 18’s eclipse, when you know, you know…

SETTLING DOWN Saturn’s strength is absolute trust and loyalty, so if this has felt lacking in shared life, get ready for change.

A casual couple may each be waiting for the other to ask a forever question – your strong Venus April communication zone says this can be you.

A late-August solo journey can map out a honeymoon route, while on December 7 Venus ups affection.

STAYING STRONG The daily details of being together can dilute what love means – but not in 2024!

You share secret dreams in January and by Venus’ first Aquarius visit in February, the future looks fresh.

Until Venus returns in December, focus on today.

SEX SECRETS The less you plan for passion, the steamier it gets – from lunchtime hook-ups to luscious whole weekends in bed, start every day with a fresh fantasy.

Keeping a sexy diary together wakes up hidden desires, then take turns to surprise partners with sensual gifts.

No-holds-barred Pluto inspires an adventurous, open mind that means nothing is off the love menu.

HOT DATES February 4, March 16, May 29, July 12, September 20 and December 7, as well as the third Sunday of every month.


FEB 19 – MAR 20

Couple goals are yours for the taking, thanks to Venus, while Uranus peps up creative connection power and Mars turns uncertain love into hot success.

SINGLE You reap the rewards of independent Uranus in your reaching-out chart, and attraction electricity crackles all year.

The more you risk rejection, the braver you become.

A recently free neighbour can look tempting in March, and celebrity is much more than a crush in May.

All August you sizzle in the sun, home and away – get ready to juggle three very keen travellers.

SETTLING DOWN Venus’ influence underlines that if you want more from love, this is your year.

A ceremony you dream about in February can be a reality by December.

Key coupling-up times are March to April and July to August.

A personal eclipse on September 18 puts Pisces’ own wishes front and centre.

STAYING STRONG With Saturn standing by you all year, you can stop sidelining your own needs and ask for the commitment change you need.

Your voice is calm, but consistent in 2024.

Your chart is sensual, and passion takes your breath away, especially in spring and autumn.

Switching roles in August switches up romance. 

SEX SECRETS Your Neptune sensitivity usually rates your own satisfaction second – but this year, Mars promotes you to first place.

A little more selfishness in sex can be such a turn-on to you and any partner.

A cash queue sparks a sexual first in May, look-don’t-touch opens eyes in July and an after-hours work session in November schedules delight in your diary.

HOT DATES January 31, March 27, May 16, August 12, October 19 and November 20, plus when the clocks go back or forward. 

