My son was left unable to walk after getting Strep A when he was 8 – he had terrifying symptoms & I feared he’d die

A MUM feared her young son would die after the debilitating Strep A bug left him unable to walk.

Luke Bates, then eight, was diagnosed with the bacterial infection in April 2016 when his family noticed he had a fever and rash.

SWNSLuke Bates with parents Susan and Jeff. Luke contracted Strep Throat in April 2016 when his family noticed he had a fever and rash[/caption]

SWNSLuke, as well as strep throat, suffered from a number of other illnesses[/caption]

SWNSLuke also fell prey to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a complex and debilitating condition for which there is no cure[/caption]

What followed left mum Susan Bates, 47, fearing she would lose her son daily.

Thankfully Luke, now 15, is happy and learning again – although he is not back in school with his classmates.

Susan, a PA from Welwyn Garden City, Herts., said: “I would wake up not knowing if he would be there the next day.

“He was too ill to go anywhere for the last six years. This illness took over every part of his body. I had to look after a baby again.”

Despite being given antobiotics following his initial diagnosis of strep throat and scarlet fever six years ago, Luke’s cough persisted.

His condition further deteriorated when he developed tonsillitis and glandular fever in January and February of 2017 respectively. Shortly after, he began developing tics, and ultimately became unable to walk.

Susan said: “He went from doing karate and street dancing to being extremely ill overnight.

“He was unable to sleep at night as his body wouldn’t stop jolting and he felt so sick he couldn’t sleep.”

In April 2017 doctors told Susan and her husband, Geoff, 46, a health and safety consultant, that Luke was suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), an incurable and debilitating condition.

Susan said: “We were told there was no cure and that he might never recover so we just had to get on with it. We were told there was nothing they could do for him.”

But then in February 2020 doctors discovered Luke actually had pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcus (PANDAS) – after three operations to remove tonsillitis.

This is when the immune system attacks the brain. It appears in children after a streptococcal infection, such as strep throat.

Susan said: “They discovered the strep was still in his throat.

“He started functioning again after starting the antibiotics, but he’d constantly get infections that would set him back.”

Following a course of antibiotics and SSRIs, Luke slowly but surely got his strength back.

Susan said: “Finally he is getting his life back. This year he’s come off the antibiotics.

“He’s back at school but not in a classroom with other children yet. He’s learning English and Maths and now he is in remission for PANDAS.”

In another cruel twist, Luke was then diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in July 2022 – a chronic condition which he is now in remission for.

Susan said: “It’s amazing how positive he is. He’s the most amazing boy you’ll ever meet. He’s so happy and bright. We’re so proud of him.”

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