My mum saved my life after vital drugs for my heart left me needing kidney transplant – now I’m playing football

HEART-swap schoolboy Sam Smith was saved by his mum after vital medication left him needing a kidney transplant.

The 15-year-old is on his third heart after his own failed to develop properly.

Heart-swap schoolboy Sam is now playing football after he was saved by his mumPaul Cousans – Commissioned by The Sun

Mum Jeanette donated one of her kidneys to her son after Sam’s was damaged by drugs for his new heartPaul Cousans – Commissioned by The Sun

But drugs which aided his recovery damaged his kidneys.

Mum Jeanette donated one of hers — and now Sam is playing footie in the garden and planning to start college in September.

He said: “I can go out and see my friends and I’ve started going to the gym now too. I’ve got so much energy it feels amazing.

“It’s extra special knowing my kidney has come from mum.”

Jeanette, 47, of Stalybridge, ­Cheshire, said: “To see Sam now is amazing. He has so much energy and can finally live a normal life.

“It’s so wonderful after all the years of him going through ­transplants.

“Thanks to his two new hearts and a new kidney he now has a chance at life.”

Sam, was born with several heart conditions including hypoplastic left heart syndrome, where the left side does not develop properly.

He had reconstructive surgery at 18 months old, followed by the second stage of that op when he was six.

But he still needed a transplant, and had his first aged nine.

He had a second four years later, then went on dialysis because of damage caused by the immune ­suppressant drugs.

Doctors said he needed the kidney transplant.

Mother of three Jeanette, a former bus driver, recalled: “I didn’t even hesitate.”

The operation came in February at Manchester Children’s Hospital.
Jeanette was allowed home a few days later while Sam stayed for three weeks.

Jeanette, who has been supported by the charity Give A Kidney, added: “Its wonderful to see him able to get out of bed and lead a normal life.”

Sam has had two heart transplants as he was born with a condition where his own did not fully develop  Read More 
