Mum, 32, died while giving birth after ‘crucial doctor’s advice that could’ve saved her life was LOST’, inquest hears

A MUM died while giving birth after crucial doctor’s advice which could have saved her life was lost, an inquest hears.

Lucy Howell, 32, tragically passed away during the natural childbirth of her second child.

Lucy passed away after the birth of her second childSolent

The mum was previously advised to have a c-section, a court heardSolent

The environmental engineer was warned she should only have a caesarean after going into labour with her first daughter Rosie, the hearing today heard.

Lucy was told by a consultant natural birth would not be the best option for her if she fell pregnant again.

Despite this, after complications with the first c-section, she wanted to avoid it and the doctor’s opinion was “lost” in her birthing plan.

Tragically, when she went into labour four years later, Lucy suffered a rupture during the delivery which cost her her life.

Daughter Pippa survived.

Coroner Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp today said if the concerns had been reiterated at the time, Lucy wouldn’t have been given “conflicting” advice.

At Winchester Coroner’s Court, it was heard Lucy, of Bishop’s Waltham, Hants, went into labour in March 2021.

She was admitted to Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester to be induced.

Pathologists said the cause of her death was amniotic fluid embolism and uterine rupture.

Opening the inquest Mrs Rhodes-Kemp said: “It wasn’t a straightforward pregnancy or birth.

“If she could, she wanted to have a natural delivery and as we know, she continued on that basis.”

The court heard Lucy did not fall into “spontaneous” labour after her waters broke.

The soon-to-be mum-of-two was given Syntocinon the following day – a drug which causes the muscles in the womb to contract.

Lucy then collapsed in the early hours of March 13.

The coroner said there were various aspects in the lead up to her death that needed to be assessed.


Consultant surgeon Mr Shaheen Khazali carried out surgery on Lucy after the birth of her first child.

Giving evidence today, he said the surgery had gone well.

Mr Khazali then said he had advised Lucy to only have a c-section if she were to get pregnant again.

He told the court: “It is normal to have differences of opinion.

“I did not dictate any method of delivery.

“Repair is equivalent to another c-section. I said it would be my advice to have another c-section.

“That would have been my advice if she had had two c sections.

“She asked, and it was my opinion.”

When the coroner asked why he hadn’t been consulted further down the line by colleagues handling Lucy’s care, he said: “My best guess if that the didn’t feel they needed more information.”

He added: “I believe my role is to make sure I share all the information with the clinicians looking after my patients.

“I believe I have done my very best to do that in Lucy’s case.

“I think I have given the right advice and communicated it.”

Mrs Rhodes-Kemp, however, said the message from him was lost as no one knew there was a different view on what method to take.

She said: “It was not appreciated there was a view that was different, your view got lost.

“No one spoke to you.”

The inquest is expected to last four days.

It continues.

The inquest into her death continuesSolent  Read More 
