More elderly and frail patients who suffer falls will be treated at home in virtual wards to ease the NHS crisis

MORE elderly and frail patients who suffer falls will be treated at home in virtual wards — to ease the NHS crisis.

Up to 50,000 a month could be remotely monitored by doctors using apps and gadgets.

AlamyMore elderly and frail patients who suffer falls will be treated at home in virtual wards — to ease the NHS crisis[/caption]

The scheme will see nursing teams sent to their homes within two hours of them taking a tumble.

But rather than taking them to hospital they will set up monitoring gear.

The patients will be checked daily in video calls or visits.

It comes as the NHS struggles with the worst crisis in its history.

Hospital wards are overflowing and casualty waiting times spiralling.

Health Secretary Steve Barclay added: “The health and care service is facing significant pressures and, while there is no quick fix, we can take immediate action to reduce long waits for urgent and emergency care.

“Up to 20 per cent of hospital admissions are avoidable with the right care in place.”

Another 3,000 so-called hospital at home beds will be created before next winter — up from about 10,000 already in use.

Tomorrow PM Rishi Sunak will unveil more plans to reform emergency care in a speech in the North East.

He will highlight the need to free up beds by improving discharge rates and making sure that people who can be treated in the community stay out of hospital.

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