Millions of parents are putting their babies at risk of suffocation and ‘sudden death syndrome’, charity warns

MILLIONS of parents are putting their babies at risk of suffocation or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a charity has warned.

Allowing a youngster to sleep anywhere but a flat surface increases their chances of the killer condition, according to The Lullaby Trust.

GettyBabies should sleep on their backs on a clear, flat, firm surface[/caption]

A survey of 1,000 mums and dads of youngsters under the age of one found 70 per cent allowed their infant to sleep in a bouncer, 67 per cent in a swing and 61 per cent on a beanbag.

Some eight per cent of parents who responded left their baby in these items to sleep overnight.

Jenny Ward, chief executive of The Lullaby Trust, said: “Babies are safest sleeping on their back on a clear, flat, firm sleep surface, like a cot or Moses basket.

“This not only helps to reduce the risk of SIDS but also helps to keep a baby’s airway open and clear.”

Letting babies sleep in an inclined or sitting position makes it easier for their heads to flop forward, leading to their delicate airways becoming restricted.

The trust recommends placing a baby down to sleep on their backs, and ensuring their face is clear, with no loose bedding or padded sides.

Ms Ward said products such as swings and bouncers are useful as long as the baby is awake and supervised.

“We know that babies can and do fall asleep in places not designed for them to sleep in,” she said.

“Many parents find products like baby bouncers and swings useful for when their baby is awake and supervised, but they are not suitable for babies to sleep in.”

According to the Lullaby Trust, SIDS claims the lives of around three babies per week every year.

The majority (89 per cent) of deaths happen in the baby’s first six months of life.

Ms Ward added: “All parents must be made aware of how to protect their baby’s airway, especially when they’re asleep.

“If a baby falls asleep in an item that keeps them propped in a sitting position, like a swing or bouncer, it’s best to move them onto a clear, firm, flat surface to help keep their airway open.

“Even if a baby is awake, it’s still important to make sure their head is not tipped forwards and their nose and mouth are not covered to keep their airway clear and protect their breathing.”

The charity’s warning coincides with Safer Sleep Week, which runs from March 11 to 17.

What is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexpected death of a baby under the age of 12 months where no cause is found.

Around 89 per cent of deaths happen when the tot is under six months old.

It is relatively rare, with 182 babies dying from SIDS in the UK in 2021.

While doctors don’t know exactly what triggers it, there are ways to significantly reduce the chances of SIDS occurring:

Put your baby on their back for all sleeps – day and night
Share a room with your baby for the first six months
Place your baby on their own, clear, flat sleep surface (e.g. cot or Moses basket)
Keep your baby smoke-free during pregnancy and after birth
Never sleep on a sofa or armchair
Do not co-sleep if you or anyone in the bed has been drinking alcohol, smoking, or taking drugs or medication that makes you drowsy

These things are especially important for babies who were born prematurely or of a low birth weight, as they are typically at higher risk of SIDS.

Source: The Lullaby Trust

