Millions of Brits hide debilitating illnesses from loved ones – are you one of them?

MILLIONS of Brits are secretly living with debilitating health conditions, a study has revealed.

Instead of sharing their illness with loved ones, many adults choose to hide their condition in fear of judgement from others.

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Researchers found 52 per cent of adults have an ailment which affects their day-to-day existence, but of these, one in 10 haven’t told a single soul.

While 65 per cent have only mentioned to a select few.

The OnePoll study, of 2,000 people, found incontinence, irritable bowel syndrome, peri-menopause and severe period pain to be some of the top things adults are choosing to keep to themselves.

While others mask things like back pain, fibromyalgia and skin wounds or conditions.

For 62 per cent, coping with constant pain has directly affected their mental health and wellbeing – but 86 per cent often find themselves saying they are fine, even when they are not.

Despite this, 38 per cent of those who refuse to talk to others about what they are going through are adamant they do not want to be treated differently.

A spokesman for hygiene and health company Essity, which commissioned the study, said: “More than half the nation is currently suffering with a diagnosed condition, which affects them on a daily basis.

“That figure is really incredible, and just highlights how important it is to get everyone talking about what they are going through.”

She added: “Suffering in silence is not a great remedy for pain – it doesn’t make it easier to manage and doesn’t make it go away.

“While there are practical solutions which make living with a painful condition easier, the first step is having the confidence to talk about it,” they explained.

Are YOU hiding painful conditions?

Here are the most common conditions affecting Brits:

Back pain
Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ Crohn’s/ Ulcerative Colitis
Skin wounds / conditions – including things like eczema or psoriasis
Hearing impairment
Orthopedic injuries
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Visual impairment
Long Covid
Severe period pain
Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
Multiple sclerosis
Chronic venous disease

Why keep it a secret?

More than a third (34 per cent) don’t want others to think of them as old, and 32 per worry about being judged.

Sadly, of those with a condition, 32 per cent are not in employment – with 23 per cent citing their condition as the key reason.

For those in the workplace, just 30 per cent said every member of their team is aware of their physical ailment.

Of the workers who have refrained from divulging all to the boss, half feel it isn’t their business, while 41 per cent don’t feel comfortable sharing.

However, seven per cent worry they’d be left out of important meetings and six per cent don’t think they’d be consulted for key decisions.

But 79 per cent of those with a condition choose to look on the bright side of life – often acknowledging “things could be worse”.

The spokesman added: “Things could be worse, but they could also better – if only people were prepared to drop the stiff upper lip and turn to others for help.

“Getting the right people around you to listen, the correct diagnosis for what is wrong, and the right products or medication to treat the problem can go a long way to make things more bearable.”

Alongside commissioning the study, Essity created a video series, called Studio Taboo, to help encourage more Brits to speak up about their health and wellbeing and see that there are millions of others just like them.

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